Beloved of All
Hello everyone. Please pray for me. Please pray that all of my enemies are fully removed from my life entirely. Please pray that all my enemies don't do any further harm or evil against me, please thwart all evil plots against me and render them all useless. I request that you pray that all of my enemies move onto new ventures, they leave their current jobs to find better opportunities at the greatest distance away from me. My enemies joined and plotted together to make me lose my job and they are still trying to sabotage my future job opportunities and financial gains, please God put an end to their evil intentions towards me. Please pray for justice in this situation for me that I end up being in a better job. I have always been kind to my enemies. In Jesus's name, I have so much love for my enemies, I do not wish harm or evil against them. Please pray that all of my enemies including hidden ones either retire fully, leave the company so that they can find new opportunities. I am praying that all enemies stop their future evil obsessions of destroying me and my future livelihood. I pray that they all retire or leave the company entirely to be better placed new opportunities elsewhere in another company instead. God, please remove all of their evil powers that my enemies have against me and stop them from plotting my downfall again. They are abusing their high powers and high job positions to do further evil against me. Please God stop in their tracks and soften their hearts towards me. I am praying that all enemies and bad people no longer think about me and move onto other people instead. I do this prayer with such a good and holy intentions. In Jesus's name amen! This prayer will be answered and all enemies will be permanently removed from my life.