Thank you all who are praying for my Marriage!! Nothing has changed and the Brother is still doing the same!! I can't get mad at him for Loving him, as he is part of his Family!! My Husband said that he was always there for him when he was growing up!! But we're all grown now and some things should change!! Somehow my husband still holds that dear to his heart and that he is doing for him he's thinking he is suppose to do it because of their Childhood!! They're both Grown and the Brother has been Married too!! I'm praying that God will l help my Husband to see the wrong in what he's doing!! It's okay to help his brother, but he should put his wife first and help me instead of his Brother!! He's always too tired for me!! But I'm always being used especially driving every one else because my husband doesn't drive and never learned how!! I have all the responsibilities, tired, or not!! And I do have a good husband and I do it, but I shouldn't have to do it for someone else's family!! I'm asking God to open my husband's eyes and take the blindness off so he can see for himself!! Also, to unstop his death ears so he can hear God as he speaks to him!! That God will let him know that what he's doing is not right as a husband to a wife!! Lord!! Hear My Cry and answer my prayer! Amen!!