Beloved of All
Every week please Pray God and holy spirits sends celebrities, united nations, children's MPs, leaders, governments, mp's , uk governments, Royal families, millionaires, armies of good people, volunteers to work with Family Court Alliance, warriors United support, family court in crisis groups and individual parents regarding their children and give those parents 100%support. So many innocent parents have been prosecuted, harmed , abused and damaged by social services professionals and their associates with their lies against innocent parents and chidren You should all please pray all corruptions, all bad social workers, family court guardians, judges, psychologist, paediatricians, school and nhs and council staff who lie in social services cases and in family court be exposed ,investigated by police and government to make them accountable for the crimes and harm they done to innocent children and parents . God and spirits expose all Local Authority family court case corruptions and help government and police open investigations on social services, nhs, schools staff and child psychologist, paediatricians, psychologist, and judges. Every week pray for this please because our Christian children and innocent parents suffering because of corrupt uk social services and family court staff
. Pray by the grace of God, Go his spirits: 1. Help the government abolishes the Local Authority Social services quickly and makes independent family support centre to help families and children and work with the police to safe guard vulnerable children. Help the churches, Christian people and ministeries set up projects to help parents regarding social services. 2. Help all innocent parents to get their children back home fast. Help government and mP's and C.E.O open all children's cases that are long term foster care and help the parents get their children back home. Lord expose all staff who have lied against children and parents to harm them and lord put intervention and bring children back to their parents care fast. God help government implement laws every foster care child case to be reviewed every 2 month in family court and in council office to return the child back to parents care. All parents have to be invited to all school, nhs, education, council meetings regarding children and council have to share all record and reports on children to their parents always. 3. Lord help government establish laws for children have to have Independent advocates and children have to directly speak to parents about if they want to see their parents . Lord remove council staff who are lying about children and parents to stop the children seeing their parents. Lord help government implement laws quickly for social workers and council staff to be made accountable for lying against children and parents. Lord help police investigate all reports made by parents and open all social services cases where social workers and staff lied against children and parents to stop children seeing their parents and made false allegations against parents to prosecute them wrongly. God and spirits expose and break all social workers and social services groups that's committing crimes against parents and children. God help government take immediate actions and open all social services cases where social workers and their teams and family court judges , court guardians commited and commiting crimes of fraud, discrimination, hate, neglect, abuse, breaching parents human rights, breaching code of conduct and commiting other crimes. 4. Lord,let your presences guide us and our children. Protect our children from social services staff harming them. 5.Father reveal the truth about all the damages social services workers, family court, court guardians are doing to children and parents. 6. Father spread the news of social services corruptions amd family court corruptions and abolish multi agency from social services fast as they have used it to make up lies against parents and children to harm them. 7. Lord, thank you for our Leaders. Please change the Mindset of Leaders in my Country to love the masses and help families who are dealing with social services. Lord let the leaders of our country see the social services professionals' evil, sin, abuse, greed , bribery, wickedness and corruptions. May there be accountability put in place to safeguard vulnerable children and parents. Abolish social workers and council officers seeing contact between parent and child. Make independent parenting organisation to arrange contact between parent and child in the community and in public places so child freely interacts with the parent. Lord expose all the problems and harm social services staff make on children and parents. Abolish local authority social services and make independent family support organisations to work with police to protect children and accept cp cases. 8. Bring masses of more legal aid family solicitors and barristers, organisations, advocates, church and external companies family support workers, case workers to come to parents and help them bring their children back into their care quickly Set up independent charity organisation to provide support case workers to parents to get their children back home quickly. 9. Quickly implement all can have support persons with them in all family court cases and lord let government implement; ---- * complaints forms must be given to parents at all the parents at all social services meetings and fsmily Court hearings always and parents be encouraged to complain regarding abuse, harm, gross misconduct, crimes,...... 10. Help the churches and Christians gather willingly help, protect and support innocent parents who are involved in social services cases and provide support workers, standby them and pray for them too. God and spirits fight social services workers, school, nhs, judges, psychologist, paediatricians, court guardians who lied and lie against children and innocent parents to harm them. Fast Put Accountability laws in place for social services workers , judges and all professionals to be made accountable for the lies, abuse, harm, crimes they committed against children and parents. 11. Help churches and Christians pray and expose all the corruptions in all social services and social services cases quickly always. 12. Always Help and make churches and Christians take responsibilities to help, support, standby innocent parents who dealing with social services 

13. Remove all family court judges, social services workers, paediatricians, Court guardians, psychologist, nhs and school staff out of their jobs for lying, abusing, harming and commiting crimes against innocent children and parents. help the police and private investigators, journalists, government officers to take actions against corrupt family court judges, social services workers, paediatricians, psychologist, court guardians, nhs and school staff who lie and lie against children and parents to harm them. Help and Make the police investigate crimes, lies, frauds, commited by social services workers , professionals and family court judges against children and parents . 14, break Local Authority multi agency groups as they corrupt and lie against children and parents to remove the children away from parents . 15. Help and give Christian law society fundings, grants, advocates, support workers, legal aid family solicitors and barristers to help Christian parents. 16. Build and establish many Christian charity projects and organisations with legal aid family solicitors and barristers, support workers, advocates, to help parents regrading social services. 17. Help the government make laws; A- for parents to be allowed to shared social services cases and family court cases with criminal law solicitors and criminal law courts at all times. B- parents are allowed to take legal aid criminal and family law solicitors and barristers in all social services meetings and family court hearings and allow them to speak and represent parents. C- parents allowed to video and voice record all professionals, social work staff, meetings and family court hearings at all times . D- social services staff not to be allowed at contact sessions between parents and child. E. Contact sessions between parent and child to be taken place in external organisation outside local Authority and external organisation to be independent and allow parents to have advocates and support workers with them. β------------------------------------------