Everything the Lord has done for us came from His deep love, mercy and compassion. Breath upon all of us o Lord. As we lift our hands in surrender to Your name o most high. Fill us with Your Spirit, walking in love toward us. Every tongue shall confess that you are the King of kings and Lord of lords. He never left our side or taught us to trus in Him. For He alone is holy, He alone is worthy of all our praise honor and glory. The Lord is right here to help us to get back to our home. To the heart of God. For He alone is worthy Home is where the holy presence of God abides. he want us to bless us and keep us away from sin and evil. You alone o Lord are holy and pure. You alone are worthy of all our praise. From the bottom of our hearts we give your all the honor to you all the days of our life. Take my hand o Lord and guide me through the straight road that leads us all to glory.- Amen