Beloved of All
I thank you LORD for this day! I close every evil door open against my life in the past, in Jesus name!! O God of new beginnings, arise and manifest Your power in my life, in the name of Jesus!! My Father arise and open new chapters of great breakthroughs in my life, in the name of Jesus!! Every demotion and stagnation designed against my destiny, SCATTER, in the name of Jesus!! O God, arise and do what will make the world to know that You are my God, in the name of Jesus!! Every demonic foundation troubling my destiny, clear away, in the name of Jesus!! O God, arise and do what will make the world to know that You are my God, in the name of Jesus!! Every demonic foundation troubling my destiny, clear away in the name of Jesus!! O God, arise and reveal any hidden talent in my life to me, in the name of Jesus!! My Father, show me Yourself and show me Your ways, in the name of Jesus!! Any power fueling my problems, now DRY UP, in the name of Jesus!! O God, arise and mock every gathering of my adversaries. in the name of Jesus!! I break every witchcraft coven with a rod of iron, in the name of Jesus!! Every plan against my glory, be scattered, in the name of Jesus!! Every priest of darkness monitoring my destiny, DRY UP, in the name of Jesus!! Evil power house assigned against me, SCATTER, in the name of Jesus!! Demonic grave diggers assigned against me, fall into your own graves, in the name of Jesus!! O God, arise, distract my enemies, with problems that are bigger than them, in the name of Jesus!! Miracle that surpasses explanation, manifest in my life NOW, in the name of Jesus!! O God, arise today, and let my situation change, in the name of Jesus!! Today I position myself by FIRE for Divine intervention, in the name of Jesus!! O God my Father, burst forth in my life by signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus!! AMEN!!!!!!