Disciple of Prayer
Erantzun | Erantzun guztiei | Birbidali | Inprimatu | Ezabatu | Ikusi jatorrizkoa The weekend. Only body That Obtained the video Information and Privacy Commissioner. '' DURING an Active File Rejecting Mail FRAUD canada. Appeal MA19-00668 ( CONFIRMATION) With Regards to the current Ongoing Information and Privacy Commissioner Matter: Very bottom correlation to oiprd status-CHECK. Being forced to be Guilty* Seldom to be used in a deportation matter. Specifically by coercion not just COERCION* but by affecting ONE good health before and after entering Into the Hands of the Legal Justice system canada by way of a jail doing very strange things to effect ones HEALTH* Medical. No plates to be issued to inmates in a correctional facility. Trays. And to be poisoned to a degree were I felt necessary to wash my food. Subject to chemical spray in vents. Maplehurst Oakville Traflagar Momoral hospital. Pyshchairtis Dr. Tom Elgin Karl HASTINGS. I was not the only subject. Inmates not to be feed for days. Possibly an Inmate Emmuel 10 to 12 digit OTIS # (BLOOD Spike) They also do the same in American jail's. Over crowding of a cell blocks. Ministry standards* Very Wicked policeman And A Very Wicked policewoman. › ...PDF Web results 260-R-2890 : Roberts, Neal - The United States False Claims Act ... probably A WICKED POLICE MAN AND WICKED POLICE WOMAN Working Together* ... Not allowed to discus lost one? And Deleted. Active* E-202002111354592934 **** WRPSpolice.wave RELATED*, Jason NOA.odt Proceedure Intuitions: ^ attorney general and WAV.file See recently posted above* police to blame all the time to undermine, persons usually to fall for it. Even though Ms: Katie Harris had really to no involvement in the mentioned sent matter. No-body took any efforts to obtain a video except for The 'Information And Privacy Commissioner ontario cdn. decision by the OIPRD Nov. 26 2019, not by error Nov. 27 2019. Winslow B. Taylor Myself Manager or Investigations along with the assigned reviewer will decide what evidence including video is required from the police service to complete the review. Regards, Winslow B. Taylor Manager of Investigations Office of the Independent Police Review Director OIPRD 655 Bay Street 10th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2T4 Hello again, During the request for review process, the OIPRD does not re-investigate your complaint. The OIPRD will review the investigation completed by the police service. To do so thoroughly, the OIPRD may request evidentiary items used by the service to come to its conclusion. At the completion of the review the Director will make a decision as follows: Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)* 655 Bay Street | 10th Floor | Toronto, ON | M7A 2T4 | Hello again, During the request for review process, the OIPRD does not re-investigate your complaint. The OIPRD will review the investigation completed by the police service. To do so thoroughly, the OIPRD may request evidentiary items used by the service to come to its conclusion. At the completion of the review the Director will make a decision as follows: Thank you for your email. From your email correspondence, it appears as if you are seeking access to a copy of the video. As you are aware, a request for records falls under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act FIPPA. FIPPA outlines the responsibilities related to access to information and our privacy obligations to an individual’s personal information. There are various provisions under FIPPA that require or permit the OIPRD to restrict access to documents within a file. The record you are seeking was created by the police service. In other words, it is not the OIPRD’s record. As such, the police service has a greater interest in the record and is the appropriate body to deal with the request and determine the question of access. With respect to the request for review, you were provided with a copy of the Director’s decision on November 27, 2019. Accordingly, our file is now closed. The Police Services Act does not provide for an appeal of the Director’s decision. The only means by which to review this decision is to bring an application for judicial review in the Superior Court of Justice. Respectfully, Katie Harris Review Coordinator Ministry of the Attorney General Office of the Independent Police Review Director OIPRD 655 Bay Street, 10th Floor Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2T4 Direct Line 1 877 411 4773 ext 1118 OiprdreviewsAtontariodotca Katie Harris Manager of Investigations › eng › art13 Web results Charterpedia - Section 13 – Protection against self-incrimination Jun. 17, 2019 · be compelled to testify against himself or to confess guilt” ( article 14(3)(g)). ... and criminal (see e.g., section 5 of the Canada Evidence … Video, 'cuts, editing, and splitting, to ad an additional person other to known persons. https://ca.practicallaw.thomsonreut...fault&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true Hmmm. not found* probably not allowed to discus lost one? DELETED Active* E-202002111354592934 **United States law.* The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the accused from being forced to incriminate themselves in a crime. The Amendment reads: ... nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself … Not a nice person to discus with: waterloo regional police service department AND not agreeing. On Thu, Jun 6, 2019, 1:55 PM HOUSTON, ELIZABETH wrote: Good afternoon Mr. Kranz, by way of introduction, my name is Beth Houston. I am a sergeant with the Waterloo Regional Police Service, currently assigned to the Professional Standards Branch. My office investigates allegations of police misconduct as well as public complaints made to the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD). You filed an OIPRD complaint on January 17, 2019. My office has just been assigned your complaint for investigation, and I have been assigned to the file. I see from emails attached to your OIPRD complaint, you have suggested there may be an issue with someone else potentially using your email? For today, I will simply ask if this is your correct email address to contact you with, please send me a reply when you’re able. That way, once I hear back from you, I will feel confident that I am communicating with the right person. If there is a better or different way you would rather me to communicate with you, please just let me know. Thank you for your time, Beth Houston Sergeant Professional Standards Branch Waterloo Regional Police Service 519-570-9777 (WRPS) ext.8849 Good afternoon Mr. Kranz, I’m resending the email I sent to you on August 15th, as I did not hear back from you. I wondered if there was any further information you wanted to me to consider regarding your complaint, before I concluded my investigation. I want to ensure I am considering all of the information you feel it is important for me to know. Looking forward to hearing back from you, Sgt. Beth Houston From: HOUSTON, ELIZABETH Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 9:08 AM To: 'JMB' Subject: RE: Jason Kranz OIPRD complaint Good morning Mr. Kranz,> wrote: Good afternoon Mr. Kranz, by way of introduction, my name is Beth Houston. I am a sergeant with the Waterloo Regional Police Service, currently assigned to the Professional Standards Branch. My office investigates allegations of police misconduct as well as public complaints made to the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD). You filed an OIPRD complaint on January 17, 2019. My office has just been assigned your complaint for investigation, and I have been assigned to the file. I see from emails attached to your OIPRD complaint, you have suggested there may be an issue with someone else potentially using your email? For today, I will simply ask if this is your correct email address to contact you with, please send me a reply when you’re able. That way, once I hear back from you, I will feel confident that I am communicating with the right person. If there is a better or different way you would rather me to communicate with you, please just let me know. Thank you for your time, Beth Houston Sergeant Professional Standards Branch Waterloo Regional Police Service 519-570-9777 (WRPS) ext.8849 Good afternoon Mr. Kranz, I’m resending the email I sent to you on August 15th, as I did not hear back from you. I wondered if there was any further information you wanted to me to consider regarding your complaint, before I concluded my investigation. I want to ensure I am considering all of the information you feel it is important for me to know. Looking forward to hearing back from you, Sgt. Beth Houston From: HOUSTON, ELIZABETH Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 9:08 AM To: 'JMB' Subject: RE: Jason Kranz OIPRD complaint Good morning Mr. Kranz, I am drawing to the conclusion of my investigation into your OIPRD complaint. At this time, I wondered if there was any further information you would like me to consider? I have the written complaint you submitted to the OIPRD, the emails you sent, the audio recording of your interaction with Constable Huiser, and notes regarding our previous phone conversation. Is there any other statement you would like to make? Or any further information you feel it’s important for me to be aware of? If you could let me know one way or the other, I would appreciate it. Kind regards, Sgt. Beth Houston They looked at nothing. So did neither Sergeant Slovick. CANNOT trust anything here SINCE Yesterday. All links are tested for being a reliable source originating from Up-files are scanned prior to an upload to verify any known viruses. SAFE links AVG Online security add-on to verify links, websites and content. Interesting content at The end of the page. THIS ACTUALLY SHOWS HOW AN ORGANIZED ORDER TAKES PLACE. BELIEVE ME NOT TAKE A LOOK ONLY THEN AT THE FIRST LINK THEN THE VERY LAST LINK PROVIDED. CANNOT SAY MUCH GOODNESS HERE. SAME DIFFERENCE Meaning Don't help The Not deserving creating America and The World systemic problem* affecting OTHERS. And Not willing to adopt to A good change for Goodness only to repeat. Well The police sure did not Investigate. Mainly R. Gregory of the waterloo regional police service department) And to make everything The SAME* Editing, cuts, splitting, To add an additional person other to the one stated in the video* On Tue, Nov 5, 2019, 3:12 PM Brian Bisson Hi Jason, With the help of the Waterloo Police I was able to view the CD provided. I just want confirm that there is only one video. I have ask police to review a few issues for me, and I am waiting for them to get back to me. Can you call me next week to further discuss the appeal. That will give the police time to get back to me. Brian Brian Bisson Mediator Tribunal Services Department Information and Privacy Commissioner Ontario 2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8 And they say something so silly and re-daction of a cover-up and error. Page Twelve, black shoes, grey pants, blue and white jersey Tom Brady 'Patriots' Adding a person. No kicking of any persons in the HEAD. WRPSpolice.wave RELATED*, Jason NOA.odt Proceedure And to be consistently working in secret on specific Times* weekends ( disering to meet up with me or related persons based on a time* entering a network for purpose of intruption. They think it's some procedurely measure to always meet up with me regarding close transportation times waterloo regional civilian police service department. I never answered to them. There not my friends, nor most persons friends. THEIR ERROR Serious Error: Their not Good Republicans* Trump for the Most part Good. or not Good Democratics raising a heck load of money, and continue only to undermine you PROBATION And, all working together in (canada) to shut us down. An seamed to be Impossible And quite vigorously bad. - 20. Incentivizing Integrity - Adoption of a Canadian False Claims Act.pdf False Claims Act.pdf The United States False Claims Wicked police woman and police man working together. Connection with below ongoing matter Incident to occur over A period of time. Approximately Feb, 8 - 10 And 12 2020. Active* E-202002111354592934 **** OIPRD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Jordan, Renee (MAG) The Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) received your complaint on February 12, 2020. In your complaint you list the Waterloo Regional Police Service as the service involved. We are asking that you provide answers to the following questions in relation to additional details we require regarding your complaint. Please provide us with answers to the following questions: 1. What is your specific complaint against the Waterloo Police Service? On what specific date(s) did your incident(s) occur? 2. What did the officer do or not do that led you to file this complaint? 3. Based on your complaint, what do you think the officer(s) should have done? Please send in the requested information by email no later than March 26, 2020. If we do not receive your response on this date, your complaint will be screened based on the information on file. To find out more about OIPRD and the Police Services Act, please visit our website at Regards, Renee Case Management Department In addition: Part III (Provision of Policing) Police service boards and the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police (the “Commissioner”) are responsible for providing adequate and effective policing in their areas of policing responsibility. Adequate and effective policing is defined in this Part as including various policing functions provided in accordance with the standards set out in the regulations and with the requirements of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code. Part VI (Police Officers The duties of police officers are set out and the requirements for a person to be appointed as a police officer are established. The Part also establishes the probationary period of newly appointed police officers for police services maintained by a police service board. Members of a police service must meet prescribed qualifications to hold their position, if any such qualifications are set out in the regulations. The police service boards and the Commissioner are required to accommodate the needs of a member of a police service who has a disability in accordance with the Human Rights Code. If a police officer is incapable of fulfilling the essential duties or requirements of his or her position and cannot be accommodated without undue hardship, the Act sets out a procedure for retiring or terminating the employment of the officer. Members of a police service are not permitted to engage in secondary activities unless the chief of police determines otherwise, including activities that would place them in conflicts of interest or that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person. The duties of police officers are set out and the requirements for a person to be appointed as a police officer are established. The Part also establishes the probationary period of newly appointed police officers for police services maintained by a police service board. Members of a police service must meet prescribed qualifications to hold their position, if any such qualifications are set out in the regulations. The police service boards and the Commissioner are required to accommodate the needs of a member of a police service who has a disability in accordance with the Human Rights Code. If a police officer is incapable of fulfilling the essential duties or requirements of his or her position and cannot be accommodated without undue hardship, the Act sets out a procedure for retiring or terminating the employment of the officer. Members of a police service are not permitted to engage in secondary activities unless the chief of police determines otherwise, including activities that would place them in conflicts of interest or that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person.The duties of police officers are set out and the requirements for a person to be appointed as a police officer are established. The Part also establishes the probationary period of newly appointed police officers for police services maintained by a police service board. Members of a police service must meet prescribed qualifications to hold their position, if any such qualifications are set out in the regulations. The police service boards and the Commissioner are required to accommodate the needs of a member of a police service who has a disability in accordance with the Human Rights Code. If a police officer is incapable of fulfilling the essential duties or requirements of his or her position and cannot be accommodated without undue hardship, the Act sets out a procedure for retiring or terminating the employment of the officer. Members of a police service are not permitted to engage in secondary activities unless the chief of police determines otherwise, including activities that would place them in conflicts of interest or that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person.The duties of police officers are set out and the requirements for a person to be appointed as a police officer are established. The Part also establishes the probationary period of newly appointed police officers for police services maintained by a police service board. Members of a police service must meet prescribed qualifications to hold their position, if any such qualifications are set out in the regulations. The police service boards and the Commissioner are required to accommodate the needs of a member of a police service who has a disability in accordance with the Human Rights Code. If a police officer is incapable of fulfilling the essential duties or requirements of his or her position and cannot be accommodated without undue hardship, the Act sets out a procedure for retiring or terminating the employment of the officer. Members of a police service are not permitted to engage in secondary activities unless the chief of police determines otherwise, including activities that would place them in conflicts of interest or that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person.The duties of police officers are set out and the requirements for a person to be appointed as a police officer are established. The Part also establishes the probationary period of newly appointed police officers for police services maintained by a police service board. Members of a police service must meet prescribed qualifications to hold their position, if any such qualifications are set out in the regulations. The police service boards and the Commissioner are required to accommodate the needs of a member of a police service who has a disability in accordance with the Human Rights Code. If a police officer is incapable of fulfilling the essential duties or requirements of his or her position and cannot be accommodated without undue hardship, the Act sets out a procedure for retiring or terminating the employment of the officer. Members of a police service are not permitted to engage in secondary activities unless the chief of police determines otherwise, including activities that would place them in conflicts of interest or that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person.The duties of police officers are set out and the requirements for a person to be appointed as a police officer are established. The Part also establishes the probationary period of newly appointed police officers for police services maintained by a police service board. Members of a police service must meet prescribed qualifications to hold their position, if any such qualifications are set out in the regulations. The police service boards and the Commissioner are required to accommodate the needs of a member of a police service who has a disability in accordance with the Human Rights Code. If a police officer is incapable of fulfilling the essential duties or requirements of his or her position and cannot be accommodated without undue hardship, the Act sets out a procedure for retiring or terminating the employment of the officer. Members of a police service are not permitted to engage in secondary activities unless the chief of police determines otherwise, including activities that would place them in conflicts of interest or that would otherwise constitute full-time employment for another person. I did discus about This: In relation to inspector General, The OIPRD acting as a authority body. Dates incident occurred: Feb. 18 approx 2pm And Feb. 10 around 2:00pm. You have as well as I do a description of the officers involved. There were many. As soon as I approached 3 officers acted aggressive and threatened to arrest me as he stated, 'You are interfering with an ongoing demonstration. A few of the officers went so far to even take off their name tags as to identify themselves. In my opinion the acting members of the waterloo regional service department should have controlled the environment better. Not get aggressive, not to take off their name tags, allow proper flow of transportation so individuals like my can get to important places. Not needed to know where. CTV crew Kitchener was present at a main event. You could follow-up there as-well. They have full stories on there website. If you took the effort. Part XI (Right to Report Misconduct) The waterloo regional police departments behavior is predictable and outrageous A complete roster of (all) waterloo regional police officer is accounted for as they have a mandatory sign in policy and can very easily be obtained for the dates you are aware of in which the incidents took place over two and three days. The OIPRD has my original submission with regards to The police Act, videos and Images. Police do need to be reminded that they cannot favor parties over other parties and especially take off name tags and then respond in a negative tone as to intimidate. The police are quite known for taking notes with regards to responding to incidents. With regards to first matter linked to Medical* And to say it bluntly Yes. I'm no catholic. I send This to you because I'm This Individual along with Nicholas have caused so many problems causing money. He's in complete denial. Transcript of phone record. And their making up stories. THESE LITTLE TINY PROBLEMS TO GENERATE INTO BIG FIACALS. Only To demonstrate (canada) it yet to show Good Business* And the East Indian defense lawyer took ALL notes in the courthouse Acting as duty counsel. Obviously here ignored. Nobody cares here. canada is as it is unfortunately a joke. But am not laughing. Only waisting my time because of these persons. I can send again his records regarding cheating on his wife. He says it no joke. No it is not. He needs no help* look how he using Hello Jason this is challa Help Jason How are you this is Chala from home Hello* Don't mind me wrong. The other guy found heaps of food waste inside kitchen sink that bothered him Hello.jason I will find out today evenunf Tuesday July 9 Hey Jason Your friend looks hot Hey man seriously I want to date her Her arrogant looks disturbed me Sorry dont mind She was looking ravishing No I want to date her Will she be okay with me She looks hot I'm serious Please ask her Yeah Why she was so weird in talking to me? BECAUSE HE A CREAP I mean she was little hasty talking to me Oh ok. I want to meet her for a coffee Or lets see meet in common for a coffee trow of she is okay and you are free What do you say Or bring her home for a drink AND BY NO EFFORTS DID I GIVE HIM A PHONE NUMBER Thursday Jan 23 I told nicholas today he has to get his boot tray As he got too many shows And we have to clean and mop the laundry room Tuesday February 4 This guy nicholas is not bothered to clean at all nor changing bins NOT MY PROBLEM AS IT'S CHALLAS Friday February 14 Valentine's day. I texted landlord today about nicholas today