Dear warriors, please pray:
As you know I have hadalot of bullying and torment in my life and it has extended to my holiday in india whwere i came in order to be safe from the trauma and bullying in my own family home.Nothing but devastation and trauma since i arrived and my health is already bad.I need someone with a heart, even just half a heart, to pray that i will never again come into contact with people like this male cousin wether male or female, that such people will not ever again affect my life in Jesus name, and create a problem and do what happened to me alomost two weeks ago, that i will not suffer violence or threats from family members or anymore of the abuse physical psychological and mental that i have endured all my life.I dont even know what joy and safety and happiness is and some people do.I'd do anything to have that too.So i ask you to pray forfavour in india with God and with man and for permanant protection against anymore ofthese attacks and for the people who have done this damage to apologise for what they did-thee xcuses in this family are beyond sinful and an abomination to the God they claim to serv,e and i do not wish to be the victim and continue to watch these abusers get away.Please stop sitting on this site and talking about frgiveness-insetad the real people who undrerstand recurrent abuse and sickness, and fear and trauma pray that justice will be done, and God will lift me and really deal with my oppressors before my eyes-if that happenes i will be sure to gain the wieght i lost in this debacle.I want harsh consequences for what i went through-earthly dad's usually cannot bear to see their child suffer, but ym dad didnt protect me during these horrific situations so id like god to not follow suit and to start protecting me and showing me favour not these idiotd who keep being allowed to harm me.I had enough.
As you know I have hadalot of bullying and torment in my life and it has extended to my holiday in india whwere i came in order to be safe from the trauma and bullying in my own family home.Nothing but devastation and trauma since i arrived and my health is already bad.I need someone with a heart, even just half a heart, to pray that i will never again come into contact with people like this male cousin wether male or female, that such people will not ever again affect my life in Jesus name, and create a problem and do what happened to me alomost two weeks ago, that i will not suffer violence or threats from family members or anymore of the abuse physical psychological and mental that i have endured all my life.I dont even know what joy and safety and happiness is and some people do.I'd do anything to have that too.So i ask you to pray forfavour in india with God and with man and for permanant protection against anymore ofthese attacks and for the people who have done this damage to apologise for what they did-thee xcuses in this family are beyond sinful and an abomination to the God they claim to serv,e and i do not wish to be the victim and continue to watch these abusers get away.Please stop sitting on this site and talking about frgiveness-insetad the real people who undrerstand recurrent abuse and sickness, and fear and trauma pray that justice will be done, and God will lift me and really deal with my oppressors before my eyes-if that happenes i will be sure to gain the wieght i lost in this debacle.I want harsh consequences for what i went through-earthly dad's usually cannot bear to see their child suffer, but ym dad didnt protect me during these horrific situations so id like god to not follow suit and to start protecting me and showing me favour not these idiotd who keep being allowed to harm me.I had enough.