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ENOUGH. I'm never wasting time on these losers ever again. May this be the last day in my life that I come across them. I want nothing to do with them; they're the worst thing to ever happen in my life. May God set me from this curse of a connection. I want to be FREE of this burden. I'm SICK SICK SICK! of them. They make me wanna PUKE. I tried to be patient, I tried to be forgiving, I forced myself to be kind, I gave chances over and over again - WELL NOT NEMORE. After what happened to the ppl I care about and all I lost and your continual denial and unending lies, you actually DARE dream I can like you?!?! You think I'm crazy?! What sane person would? Your the most irresponsible pair of morons Ive had the misfortune of meeting. You listen you lying idiots I DONT LIKE YOU I DONT LOVE YOU I NEVER WILL I DONT WANT YOU IN MY LIFE GET IT. DONT PRAY ABOUT ME DONT LIE ABOUT ME STOP ASKING OTHER CHRISTIANS TO PRAY FOR GOD TO GIVE ME TO YOU OR WHATEVER. God doesnt force feelings! I dont like you the tiniest bit! I like you about as much as a worm! My eyes are WIDE OPEN you shameless pigs! If not for God I'd hate your guts. Because of you I lost my friend; I lost forever souls I could've saved. You've insulted me and angered me in too many ways to count. Till your last day on earth, I will never want you as more than a friend. I dont even want you as a friend. Go look for ppl who like to lie as much as you, why dont you. THEY'RE the kind of ppl you suit. You don't suit me; you're nothing like me. You come up nowhere near my ideals. To one of you - did I say in the past you were my ideal? That's before I knew what a liar you were. And didn't I say I've changed? My ideals have only grown higher. Even if you weren't a liar, you're still not my ideal. You think you're my only kindred spirit? Dont kid yourself. I have a number of those, including one among my special four. He's a much better brother and friend, and more of my kindred spirit than you. After the MESS you ultimately put me through, the YEARS I ended up losing 'cause of your filthy lies, all the SORROW my heart had to experience, the DARKNESS i endured 'cause of the wall b/ween me and God, you actually dare hope for beyond friendship with me?! I stand amazed at your lack of conscience. If you had any shame, you couldn't even hope for my friendship which you dont deserve. My final word: I...am...totally...disgusted...with...you.