Servant of All
El Shaddai, Father of our hope & freedom. We thank You for our assurance that You will not reject Your people. Your will never forsake Your inheritance. Abba Father make us strong & courageous. Help us not to be afraid or terrified because of anyone else, for You our Adonai will go with us, You will never leave never forsake us. Help us to live a life of faithful obedience to You & Your Son & live by the faith until the end of our lives in order to receive the crown of righteousness You had promises to Your faithful children. Help us to live a life of obedience to Your commands & to be holy & without blame so that we may be find in peace by Jesus-Christ at His return. You O Adonai are the portion of our inheritance. Our flesh & our heart fail, but You Elohim is the strength of our heart, our portion forever. Help us to keep hold of that hope that You as supplied us. Grant us to be crucified with Christ nevertheless we live but Christ living in us & to continue to lives by His faith. Please God of mercy continue to empower us with the faith of Christ which allow us to stay the course no matter difficult the path might become & above all taking the shield of faith with which we will be able to quench all the fiery dart of the wicked one. Grant us when we face trials to be spiritually strenghthened by the heat & do remove all the impurities of our carnal nature. Please God of love & peace continue the working of Your spirit in us to guide us to the obedience into all truths. By Your power make our saviour Jesus-Christ live His life in us & help us to endure during Your will so we may receive the promises. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, Yours is the Kingdom the power & the glory forever. Hear & answer us in the name of Jesus-Christ our high priest of the the good things to come, the way the truth & the life. Amen