emergency prayer request for my dad to be heale dof lung infection flesh eatign bacteria.please.pleae Lord dleiver himf ormt he devil.please. also hela my grandmas blood pressure and small bowel obstrcution syndorme malnutrition diabetes insipidus.Lord help I beg you hela her heart. an dmy moms heat andbody.please help Lord .im so lonley.Lord God help my fmialy.pelase. aalso help my brother at his work. give my fmaily the work you want us to do.pleas eal my brothers histmian itnolerance Lord Jeus Christ. please give salvaiton to all my fmaily. Lor dos lonely os down.help.please also help my brothers wife. keep her health yna dhte baby too that the yare expecting.Lor dprotect my family form all eivl.please hal Vilike.pleas eprotect my fmaily form all evil.PLEase Lor di desparatley beg oyu pelas ehal my fmaily. Need help God pleasePleaye PLEase