Emergency prayer reques tfor my grandm Schndier Vilmosé who needs permanent deliveranc eof demencia and her wast eis Blocked for soem reaosn either becuas eof kidney stones but also their is husge discharge comign out. she is also ver defremd. Plea sepra yo ra miracle. she cannot pee because their is somethignblcoking her form doign so. it is urgent because idotn want her to get a heart attack or stroke because htis happens every day pretty much that she cannot get rid of waste. pleas epray she has the strgnth and the devil is reomved and thi sproblem is heale dby the Lord Jeus Chris tplease pray for her healign as she is nned healign fo her wea heart and lack of muscles. har dot feed her for she is nto abel to pee and get rid of waste due to small bowel obstrciton syndorme cross sndorme and infection bacteira and strepptecocus infecitons pleas epray urgent i dotn want her to have heart attack or stroke caus eshe cant get rid if the waste their is a blcokage int he way. pelas ei and truly grateful for oyu rprayer siwht lal my heart pelas eocnitnue to pray fo rher. yesterday she peed and i was so happy and it was a miralc epraise the Lord Jeus Christ an di thank you for your prayers but now this reoccured pelas epray. Lord what tod i do?? how to get rid of this bacteria or what is this kidney sotnes pelase dleivered my grandma formt he reason she is unabel to pee. thank yo Lord Jeus Chirst. please keal th caus eof the vagina discharge and fluid build up and all her bad of illness Lord Jeus Chris tplease ocme to her waid and dleiver her form te cuas eo fher high blood rpessure. thank you Lord Jeuss Christ all glroy na dHonour to oyu. pelas ehal and save all on this site and fmaily. and allpeopel. pelas eprotect my whoel family form al evil day and gguide us wiht your Holy spirit.pelase brign helaign to the nations.have emrcy and prtoect lal pepel form flehs eaitgn bacteria.pelase delier all peopel form flesh eatign bacteria. please helpt he elderly and widows and this who ar epoor and sc ..pelas hela them have emrcy Lord Jeus Chris.t help