Disciple of Prayer
I was watching a program the other day about the crimes of Harvey Wienstien, listening to the women talk about the pain, hurt, humiliation they lived with in silence until they finally got justice. I will never really know thier pain, but i do certainly know what it is like trying to go on living with the unbearable crippling pain of extreme injustice tearing you apart inside, having walked into a hospital with my most beautiful precious beloved mom with nothing anywhere near life-threatening wrong with her at all, only to see her be gruesomely killed by blatant gross extreme neglect, malpractice, abuse And as if that isn't bad enough, the soul-wrenching betrayal of incompetent Medicare oversight company Livanta, CMS Medicare, HHS, AARP, and every hospital, health, and elder advocacy, regulation and oversight agency in Pennsylvania, and America, along with all my local, state, federal representatives, twisting a thousand hot irons in my heart, using thier full power and influence to deny, disguise, do anything they can to cover-up for and protect my moms killers from accountability, as if they have no conscience, no heart, no soul at all. Somehow either not recognizing, considering, or just not caring that even if they have the power and connections to get away with it on paper, i think we all have some sense that nothing in this world, nothing that we do, nothing we have ever done, or will ever do, goes unseen by The One above, who knows all truth about everything, and everyone, whom nothing is hidden from.. It truly baffles and confounds my mind to think how/where they find personel capable to even do these jobs which require a total compromise of all human decency and basic principles and values that I thought was reserved for the rare psycopath serial killer types. Somehow lacking even the most basic critical component of civil human beings, an inherent nature that renders us incapable of comitting atrocities against others. Be it our soul, conscience, heart, compassion, the golden rule to do to others as we would have them do to us. Scary to think these highly dangerous types may be much more common than i thought, including working, holding powerful positions within the systems we rely on to keep us, and our loved ones safe from being killed by bad doctors/hospitals. No person of quality with any measure of integrity, values, principles at all, could accept a paycheck for helping to cover up for those who blatantly killed my most beautiful, precious, beloved mom. The pain of losing a loved one is hard enough. When that loved one is wrongfully killed, taken from you, by another person, it's a lot harder. There are no words to begin to convey how much harder still it is, watching the greatest love of my life, my precious beloved, most beautiful, wonderful, sweet, kind and gentle mom, my everything, my whole world, being gruesomely, torturously. killed. Holding her hand, pouring my heart out trying to keep her hanging on, seeeing her clenching and grimacing in sheer agony, screaming HELP MEEE, AAAAA, HEEELLLP MEEE, in excruciating pain, all because of the gross extreme neglect, malpractice of a doctor. I assure you that it is an unimaginable heartwrenching, soul crushing indescribable hell that is hard to even go on living with, ONLY MULTIPLIED EVEN MORE MANY TIMES OVER BY THE SICK, EVIL DEPRAVED PEOPLE AT THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT AGENCiES WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING US FROM EXACTLY THIS, CONVERSELY DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO INSTEAD PROTECT MY MOMS KILLERS RATHER THAN HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE. I FIND IT DISTURBING AND QUITE SCARY TO THINK THAT THEY WERE EVEN ABLE TO FIND PERSONEL TO ACCEPT PAYCHECKS FOR BEING COMPLICIT ACCOMPLICES TO BLATANT, NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER HOMICIDE, EFFECTIVELY ENCOURAGING AND ENSURING EVEN FURTHER WORSENING HOSPITAL CONDITIONS AND FURTHER HYPER-ESCALATION OF OUR ALREADY INTERNATIONALY RECOGNIZED ASTRONOMICALLY ESCALATED NUMBERRS OF WRONFUL DEATHS OF OUR PRECIOUS BELOVED VULNERABLE ELDERLY BY NEGLECT AND ABUSE IN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITALS UP MORE THAN TEN TIMES FROM WHAT IT WAS JUST A FEW YEARS AGO DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF WHAT THE HEARTLESS, SOULESS, SICK EVIL DEPRAVED PEOPLE AT LIVANTA, CMS, HHS, AARP FUNCTIONALLY AND EFFECTIVELY DO, JUST AS IF THE POLICE STOPPED CHARGING PEOPLE WITH DRUNK DRIVING, OF COURSE THE RATE OF INNOCENT PEOPLE BEING KILLED BY THEM COULD CERTAINLY BE EXPECTED TO RISE DRAMATICALLY., EVEN MORE IF THEY CONCENTRATED THIER EFFORTS ON DENYING, DISGUISING RECORDS, AND COVERING-UP FOR THE NEGLIGENT KILERS, AS IS BEING DONE IN MY PRECIOUS BELOVED MOM'S CASE. AFTER WALKING INTO PENN MEDICINE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL WEST CHESTER PA, WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL ANYTHING LIKE, ANYWHERE NEAR LIFE-THREATENING WRONG WITH HER AT ALL, ONLY TO BE GRUESOMELY AND TORTUROUSLY KILLED BY WHAT ANYONE CAN PLAINLY SEE, EVEN WITHOUT THE SOLID RELIABLE PROOF OF A PROFESSIONAL NURSES WRITTEN TESTIMONY, AND A DETAILED OUTLINE FROM A HOSPITAL RESEARCH AGENCY OF EXACTLY HOW THE SURGEON WRONGFULLY KILLED MY BEAUTIFUL PRECIOUS BELOVED MOM BY THE MOST BLATANT GROSS EXTREME SEVERE NEGLECT, MALPRACTICE, ABUSE THAT THERE EVER COULD BE.
Very Truly and Sincerely, .Robert Snodgrass 484-252-9596
Very Truly and Sincerely, .Robert Snodgrass 484-252-9596