Humble Servant of All
Early morning Lord but I know you’re working. Please work in the life of my relationship with my wife. She is hurting, due to things I have done, but doesn’t want to accept my apologies or give me another chance or even a chance to grow. How can I fix our relationship of that isn’t happening. She wants space so I give it to her, but then it’s too much distance. I give her attention and it’s too much because I’m making her hurt. We went out last night and I got like 20 minutes with her, because we ran into coworkers. She says well if you wanted time with me, you should have had us leave, but then I look like a bad guy. Why is it always on me, does she not want to spend time with me, why can’t she avoid her coworkers? I give this to you Lord, please give me wisdom, strength, and peace.