Good and Faithful Servant
Lord Father, Hear our prayer. We have come to you, the Holy Trinity, to seek out the most basic requests. As those who are against us continue to attack, let us have the strength to withstand it. Let us have the mental fortitude and emotional stability only those who have learned at your feet may have as we battle against the evil of the world and continue to rebuff Satan and his agents.
We know that vengeance is not a step to enter into lightly, God, so we ask for your assistance in this matter. Your teachings have shown us that there are times when vengeance is the only way, and sadly Lord, this is one of those times.
We ask you to show us the best way to seek vengeance, to show those against us that yours is the way of the light, and attacking those who exalt in you will bring them nothing but trouble and pain.
We pray for vengeance against our enemies as those we learned in the Old Testament, in your image and likeness only Lord. Today we pray to the vengeful and absolute God who smites those who harm others in the name of Satan. Please Lord, see those who have risen up and harmed us unmasked and as they indeed are. Send back upon them every wrong and injustice they have loosed upon us, your faithful servants. As we lay ourselves bare unto you, see us for what we are – always yours. AMEN
We know that vengeance is not a step to enter into lightly, God, so we ask for your assistance in this matter. Your teachings have shown us that there are times when vengeance is the only way, and sadly Lord, this is one of those times.
We ask you to show us the best way to seek vengeance, to show those against us that yours is the way of the light, and attacking those who exalt in you will bring them nothing but trouble and pain.
We pray for vengeance against our enemies as those we learned in the Old Testament, in your image and likeness only Lord. Today we pray to the vengeful and absolute God who smites those who harm others in the name of Satan. Please Lord, see those who have risen up and harmed us unmasked and as they indeed are. Send back upon them every wrong and injustice they have loosed upon us, your faithful servants. As we lay ourselves bare unto you, see us for what we are – always yours. AMEN