How many times I've seen this--and it has happened to me.Someone who knows right from wrong, who knows Gods laws, and sees someone around him who is breaking them,but who is "popular",everyone around that person is "rooting for them","Yeah, Tommy , he got this chick and did thus and so, "Tommy" the guy tried to tell him to stop causing a disturbance, and he put his cigarette out on his shirt, then turned around and mooned him."Tommy" is so cool.! Meantime, Mr. "Do right"knowing this is wrong by Gods laws, doesn't want to get involved with people like that, and for that is brushed off as being a "square".It seems the more a sinful person "shows" or shows off, their sin the more "popular" they are.But to those of us with insight,we know their sinful state,and I would say this is just a case of the blind leading the blind.Don't make sinners your heroes.
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