You know, there were childrens games where out of clay or whatnot each kid could create their own thing. We've also heard the saying,5 people can look at something and see it 5 different ways.However, some things can't be changed."Let every man be a liar, but let Gods Word be true."I've seen, and more than once, where some professing Christians have tried to wiggle the Word of God around a little to suit THEIR beliefs and agenda.They might vote for a politician who backs certain things condemned in the Bible, who will enact laws harming other Christians, then when questioned about it,say something like,"God 'understands' my reasons.Some "Christians"when approving of a certain sinful thing,have even said, "well, that applied to 'that era' That was a long time ago.God "understands" that things have changed."Oh really?"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and tommorow.You know what comes to me when thinking of this? They're misled, that's the devil telling them that."Did God REALLY say you would die?Does God REALLY think in 2020 you would follow those stupid laws and rules?Tell you what--what was sin in "those days" is sin now. Don't create your own Jesus to make excuses for doing what you want to do. You're participating in that sin because it's from your fallen nature.But to say God "backs you" in it, and {another thing}get mad at other Christians because they tell the truth--uh uh.You're being decieved.