Humble Prayer Partner
Dog doesn't go crazy over me and try to hurt or shootkill me and Gabe or anyone else Gods will not the devil he is liar James Sara Jake and weapons the devil
really is you Kayleena Christina Creller Lisa maybe idk Someone's unreasonable wife that shouldn't be allowed to even pray or speak again if there way to wicked to b alive let them b examples for the Gentiles how not
to b. Get off of my back all evil doersim not your candidate and your creatures sta w senders that r hurting me and the innocents in the world. No period tonight and my belly button ring doesn't just fall out ever again it heals my attraction
of the Lord is healed. I get to live a beautiful life without constant stress no peace. Let the world be set free tonight as well as me. Let Gabe breathe near me without him getting hurt or me because it's evil to hurt
people. Into existence in Jesus name amen