Elizabeth F
Humble Servant of All
There are many Christians who don't believe God still does healings and miracles but the Bible tells us Jesus is "the same today, yesterday and forever" so surely this means He will still heal us just as He did during His earthly ministry? Lord Jesus I am in utter despair and need healing both in mind and body. If I was alive when you walked on this earth I could reach out and touch the hem of your garment like the lady with the issue of blood and be made whole. Please reassure me that you are hearing my prayers and that you will reach out and heal me and my sister ###. Please Jesus if you don't help me I honestly don't know what I will do. Please forgive me for being afraid and not trusting you but I just can't take all the noise and confusion in my head and the pain and sickness in my body. Please speak peace and calm into my troubled and anxious mind, speak health into my sick body and speak joy into our home. Oh please make haste to help us. In your name I ask all this. Amen