Good and Faithful Servant
Do you hear what they are saying to me Jesus? These evil people sending me v2k messages are not only taking vengeance for themselves as your word say's not to do, they are falsely accusing me! I know you do for I'm sure that you knew evil like this would exist in the last days. all the way home I prayed and or listened to songs in my head to calm myself and to ignore their evil stupid song. I have faith in you Jesus and Know and thank you that you will take care of these evil people for me. I trust you Jesus and thank you. AMEN! I thank you also Jesus that I didn't mess up earlier. I saw at least one of my Gangstalkers I almost jumped out of my truck and stabbed her to death! I almost took down the other too but she either got scared and stopped starring at me or knew I knew so figured she'd best shut her mouth! Seriously Jesus though I need vengeance like now not two years from now but now but I Trust in your timing! I know they are falling now already. They wouldn't be attacking me most hard right now if my prayers and things wasn't having some effect on their evil little lives! Thank you Jesus for answered prayers AMEN and AMEN again.