Brethren, i must first thank the Almighty and you for coming across this website because i believe it is not by mistake.
i am in a very fantastic relationship which is being threatened by genotype issue. It will interest you to knlow that when i first met this man, i said to myself "He looks so much like my husband". Interestingly, he told me he said the same thing to himself when i saw me. We are so compatible and love each other. My mum had always told me i was AA so when he asked me and i told him, he was very excited because we had plans to formalise our relationship and wedding. Out of curiousity, i went for a genotype test and was told i am AS. This has distabilised the both of us in the last 6 days. but he asked me "where is your faith"? he said he believes destiny cannot be changed because we are meant to be except that he would want us to have healthy kids and wouldnt want to apply any method that would put my health at risk. God has done better and bigger miracles. So i am keying on that to believe my genotype could be transformed from AS to AA (He is also AS. Please i need your prayers. I am convinced just like he is that we are meant to be husband and wife. Theres nothing too difficult of God is there?
i am in a very fantastic relationship which is being threatened by genotype issue. It will interest you to knlow that when i first met this man, i said to myself "He looks so much like my husband". Interestingly, he told me he said the same thing to himself when i saw me. We are so compatible and love each other. My mum had always told me i was AA so when he asked me and i told him, he was very excited because we had plans to formalise our relationship and wedding. Out of curiousity, i went for a genotype test and was told i am AS. This has distabilised the both of us in the last 6 days. but he asked me "where is your faith"? he said he believes destiny cannot be changed because we are meant to be except that he would want us to have healthy kids and wouldnt want to apply any method that would put my health at risk. God has done better and bigger miracles. So i am keying on that to believe my genotype could be transformed from AS to AA (He is also AS. Please i need your prayers. I am convinced just like he is that we are meant to be husband and wife. Theres nothing too difficult of God is there?