EXPOSED - Full Circle
No redactions were necessary as there were no personal names, locations, or identifiable numbers in the provided text.
EXPOSED - Full Circle
When we respond to God's call He never tells us everything that we will encounter. Nevertheless, a heart that is truly turned to Him submits to His will void of every little detail, trusting the Holy Spirit's guidance. Faith!
Several months God revealed to me through the Holy Spirit the purpose for exposing His people's sin, particularly the sinful deeds of His shepherds. Certainly, exposure is meant to bring His people to repentance. But, it is amazing how God, not only confirms our assignments through His Word, but He likewise brings His purpose full circle from the end to the beginning. The prophecy given, in this part of my assignment was "whirlwind," and indeed God showed me so much that I literally begged Him not to have to share the details. Yet, since the beginning, I have only received rejection and hateful backlash: not just because of the prophecy itself, but also because I exposed people's sins.
Several months God revealed to me through the Holy Spirit the purpose for exposing His people's sin, particularly the sinful deeds of His shepherds. Certainly, exposure is meant to bring His people to repentance. But, it is amazing how God, not only confirms our assignments through His Word, but He likewise brings His purpose full circle from the end to the beginning. The prophecy given, in this part of my assignment was "whirlwind," and indeed God showed me so much that I literally begged Him not to have to share the details. Yet, since the beginning, I have only received rejection and hateful backlash: not just because of the prophecy itself, but also because I exposed people's sins.
God's purpose:
The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The prophecies they gave you were false and misleading. All who pass your way clap their hands at you; they scoff and shake their heads at Daughter Jerusalem: "Is this the city that was called the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?" [Lamentations 2:14-15 (NIV)]
Those who miscounsel make themselves prophets to cities who listens to their false visions of peace. The Bible says we are to speak peaceably to one another, and Paul encourages us do our best to live in peace. But, your prophets (those to whom you listen) are not to prophecy peace, declaring that no harm will come to others, when God did not send them. Please understand, just because you desire to live in peace, as most of us do, doesn't mean it's okay to reject prophecy or mistreat the prophet. "Despise not the prophecies."
Prophecy: God's gracious Word of warning is always to protect man from the wrath that is due him, but man rejects God’s grace as negativity. But, just as God did not babysit Adam and Eve, David and Bathsheba, or Ananias and Sapphira (New Testament), neither will He babysit His cities, He simply sends forth His gracious word of warning.
John 1:11 He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.
Those who miscounsel make themselves prophets to cities who listens to their false visions of peace. The Bible says we are to speak peaceably to one another, and Paul encourages us do our best to live in peace. But, your prophets (those to whom you listen) are not to prophecy peace, declaring that no harm will come to others, when God did not send them. Please understand, just because you desire to live in peace, as most of us do, doesn't mean it's okay to reject prophecy or mistreat the prophet. "Despise not the prophecies."
Prophecy: God's gracious Word of warning is always to protect man from the wrath that is due him, but man rejects God’s grace as negativity. But, just as God did not babysit Adam and Eve, David and Bathsheba, or Ananias and Sapphira (New Testament), neither will He babysit His cities, He simply sends forth His gracious word of warning.
John 1:11 He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.
The prophecy remains
No redactions were necessary as there were no personal names, locations, or identifiable numbers in the provided text.