This question was put to me recently by someone whom, as the Pharisees did Jesus, was attempting to disprove my ministry, while at the same time calling me wicked for even making such a statement. While I don't claim to be anybody's Bible scholar, I can happily proclaim, with absolute certainty that "I know the man from Gallile." (See, that right there makes me want to break out into a sprint. Y'all just don't know.)

The answer is an unresounding "YES," Jesus did drink wine." In fact Jesus's very first miracle, as most people probably know, was that He turned water into wine. I did not say that Jesus was a drunkard; that's how the Pharisees insultingly tried to label Him; but, as we see here, Jesus himself admittedly partook of the grape.

Matthew 11:15-26
Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand! "How shall I describe this generation? These people are like a group of children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, 'We played wedding songs, and you weren't happy, so we played funeral songs, but you weren't sad.' For John the Baptist didn't drink wine and he often fasted, and you say, 'He's demon possessed.' And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it." Then Jesus began to denounce the cities where he had done most of his miracles, because they hadn't turned from their sins and turned to God. "What horrors await you, Korazin and Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have sat in deep repentance long ago, clothed in sackcloth and throwing ashes on their heads to show their remorse. I assure you, Tyre and Sidon will be better off on the judgment day than you! And you people of Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will be brought down to the place of the dead. For if the miracles I did for you had been done in Sodom, it would still be here today. I assure you, Sodom will be better off on the judgment day than you." Then Jesus prayed this prayer:

"O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever, and for revealing it to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!

This kind of contention derives from a lack of knowledge and understanding. It is to me, a classic example of "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel whole:" We give far too much credence to man prescribed rules and rituals rather than focusing on the weightier things of Christ, such as love, truth, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness (on both sides of an issue, AMEN).

So, not only did Jesus drink wine, moreover, it is written, I believe toward the older generation: 1 Timothy 5:23 Go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.

Young people, and old alike, I DID NOT SAY GET DRUNK!

Note: I also like this text because it's nestled right in there along with Jesus's teaching on wisdom as related to the traversing of the cities. It's not just enough to say we know Him, we must truly get to know him. LOVE is in no way bias.

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This question was put to me recently by someone whom, as the Pharisees did Jesus, was attempting to disprove my ministry, while at the same time calling me wicked for even making such a statement. While I don't claim to be anybody's Bible scholar, I can happily proclaim, with absolute certainty that "I know the man from Gallile." (See, that right there makes me want to break out into a sprint. Y'all just don't know.)

The answer is an unresounding "YES," Jesus did drink wine." In fact Jesus's very first miracle, as most people probably know, was that He turned water into wine. I did not say that Jesus was a drunkard; that's how the Pharisees insultingly tried to label Him; but, as we see here, Jesus himself admittedly partook of the grape.

Matthew 11:15-26
Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand! "How shall I describe this generation? These people are like a group of children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, 'We played wedding songs, and you weren't happy, so we played funeral songs, but you weren't sad.' For John the Baptist didn't drink wine and he often fasted, and you say, 'He's demon possessed.' And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it." Then Jesus began to denounce the cities where he had done most of his miracles, because they hadn't turned from their sins and turned to God. "What horrors await you, Korazin and Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have sat in deep repentance long ago, clothed in sackcloth and throwing ashes on their heads to show their remorse. I assure you, Tyre and Sidon will be better off on the judgment day than you! And you people of Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will be brought down to the place of the dead. For if the miracles I did for you had been done in Sodom, it would still be here today. I assure you, Sodom will be better off on the judgment day than you." Then Jesus prayed this prayer:

"O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever, and for revealing it to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!

This kind of contention derives from a lack of knowledge and understanding. It is to me, a classic example of "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel whole:" We give far too much credence to man prescribed rules and rituals rather than focusing on the weightier things of Christ, such as love, truth, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness (on both sides of an issue, AMEN).

So, not only did Jesus drink wine, moreover, it is written, I believe toward the older generation: 1 Timothy 5:23 Go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.

Young people, and old alike, I DID NOT SAY GET DRUNK!

Note: I also like this text because it's nestled right in there along with Jesus's teaching on wisdom as related to the traversing of the cities. It's not just enough to say we know Him, we must truly get to know him. LOVE is in no way bias.

Do not be drunk with wine, but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. That is a wonderful advise to those who love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. The wine that was prepared for the wedding day at Canah it was grapefrut and no one got drunk. Let us all obey the voice of the Lord. Be filled with the Holy Spirit of God, then blessings upon blessings will fall from heaven to those who obey Gods word.
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This question was put to me recently by someone whom, as the Pharisees did Jesus, was attempting to disprove my ministry, while at the same time calling me wicked for even making such a statement. While I don't claim to be anybody's Bible scholar, I can happily proclaim, with absolute certainty that "I know the man from Gallile." (See, that right there makes me want to break out into a sprint. Y'all just don't know.)

The answer is an unresounding "YES," Jesus did drink wine." In fact Jesus's very first miracle, as most people probably know, was that He turned water into wine. I did not say that Jesus was a drunkard; that's how the Pharisees insultingly tried to label Him; but, as we see here, Jesus himself admittedly partook of the grape.

Matthew 11:15-26
Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand! "How shall I describe this generation? These people are like a group of children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, 'We played wedding songs, and you weren't happy, so we played funeral songs, but you weren't sad.' For John the Baptist didn't drink wine and he often fasted, and you say, 'He's demon possessed.' And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it." Then Jesus began to denounce the cities where he had done most of his miracles, because they hadn't turned from their sins and turned to God. "What horrors await you, Korazin and Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have sat in deep repentance long ago, clothed in sackcloth and throwing ashes on their heads to show their remorse. I assure you, Tyre and Sidon will be better off on the judgment day than you! And you people of Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will be brought down to the place of the dead. For if the miracles I did for you had been done in Sodom, it would still be here today. I assure you, Sodom will be better off on the judgment day than you." Then Jesus prayed this prayer:

"O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever, and for revealing it to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!

This kind of contention derives from a lack of knowledge and understanding. It is to me, a classic example of "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel whole:" We give far too much credence to man prescribed rules and rituals rather than focusing on the weightier things of Christ, such as love, truth, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness (on both sides of an issue, AMEN).

So, not only did Jesus drink wine, moreover, it is written, I believe toward the older generation: 1 Timothy 5:23 Go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.

Young people, and old alike, I DID NOT SAY GET DRUNK!

Note: I also like this text because it's nestled right in there along with Jesus's teaching on wisdom as related to the traversing of the cities. It's not just enough to say we know Him, we must truly get to know him. LOVE is in no way bias.

There is only one group of people who are explicitly told not to drink wine or lcohol and thst is the Nazarene for ex
This question was put to me recently by someone whom, as the Pharisees did Jesus, was attempting to disprove my ministry, while at the same time calling me wicked for even making such a statement. While I don't claim to be anybody's Bible scholar, I can happily proclaim, with absolute certainty that "I know the man from Gallile." (See, that right there makes me want to break out into a sprint. Y'all just don't know.)

The answer is an unresounding "YES," Jesus did drink wine." In fact Jesus's very first miracle, as most people probably know, was that He turned water into wine. I did not say that Jesus was a drunkard; that's how the Pharisees insultingly tried to label Him; but, as we see here, Jesus himself admittedly partook of the grape.

Matthew 11:15-26
Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand! "How shall I describe this generation? These people are like a group of children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, 'We played wedding songs, and you weren't happy, so we played funeral songs, but you weren't sad.' For John the Baptist didn't drink wine and he often fasted, and you say, 'He's demon possessed.' And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, 'He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!' But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it." Then Jesus began to denounce the cities where he had done most of his miracles, because they hadn't turned from their sins and turned to God. "What horrors await you, Korazin and Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have sat in deep repentance long ago, clothed in sackcloth and throwing ashes on their heads to show their remorse. I assure you, Tyre and Sidon will be better off on the judgment day than you! And you people of Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will be brought down to the place of the dead. For if the miracles I did for you had been done in Sodom, it would still be here today. I assure you, Sodom will be better off on the judgment day than you." Then Jesus prayed this prayer:

"O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever, and for revealing it to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!

This kind of contention derives from a lack of knowledge and understanding. It is to me, a classic example of "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel whole:" We give far too much credence to man prescribed rules and rituals rather than focusing on the weightier things of Christ, such as love, truth, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness (on both sides of an issue, AMEN).

So, not only did Jesus drink wine, moreover, it is written, I believe toward the older generation: 1 Timothy 5:23 Go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.

Young people, and old alike, I DID NOT SAY GET DRUNK!

Note: I also like this text because it's nestled right in there along with Jesus's teaching on wisdom as related to the traversing of the cities. It's not just enough to say we know Him, we must truly get to know him. LOVE is in no way bias.

There is one group of people who are explicitly called Nazarite for example Samson.Jesus was not a Nazarite.He was a Nazarene " a native of Nazareth "(Luke 18:37) Jesus never took the Nazarite vow.In order for the wine to be deemed kosher(Yiddish for proper use or fit )it must be made under the supervision of a Rabbi.The wine must contain only Kosher ingredients which included yeast and fining agents.and it must be processed using equipment rabbinically certified.
Christ first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana almost certainly in olved a fermented beverage. According to Jewish tradition, fermented wine was always served at weddings.
If Jesus had provided grape juice the master of the feast would have probably complained ,but instead he said the wine was better than what was previously served. ( John 2:10-11)
The Greek word for drink is methuo which means to be drunken or intoxicated. It is the same word used in Acts2:15 where Peter defends the apostles against accusations of drunkenness. The testimony of the master of the feastis that the wine Christ provided was able to intoxicate.
But just because Jesus turned water into wine does not prove that he drank the wine at the wedding. What it does show is that Jesus does not condemn drinking anymore than he condemns eating bread .
Gluttony and drunkenness are sinful. (Proverbs23:2) Ephesians5:18.Jesus said"For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine and you say he has a demon. The Son of Man has come eating and drinking and you say look at Him a glutton and a drunkard!".A friend of tax collector and sinners.Jesus goes on to say that the religious leaders accused Him of being a drunkard..Yet we know that Jesus lived a completely sinless life. 1 Peter 2:22.
The Passover Celebration would have included fermented wine,the fruit of the vine.Christ himself participated in drinking the Passover Cup(Mark 14:23)All Christians agree that drunkenness is sinful and Christ warns about this.
There are many warnings in the Bible about this.For example Proverbs 20v1
Christians who want to keep a Biblical view of drinking wine should either drink in moderation ,or abstain totally.Someone said that when Jesus turned the water into wine He provided the wondrous signthat foreshadows His later

Public miracles and subsequent death as He would enter into a covenant ofove for humanity.
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Many so called Christians drink but you won't see favor, nor blessings. So be it God bless us we have to talk and walk the Word😍😍
I Personal do not give into strong drink in our modern time and my culture.At church we use grape juice for communion I only use a little wine when I am baking my Christmas cake a d I also put a little in my sorrel drink.
I do not buy a ything in a bar because I do not want a yone to see me inside a bar and miss judge me.
MY Uncle in law had a thriving bbusiness in the city..He lived on the same premises and I had never stopped there to say hello.The reason been that where I worked my coworkers which were many could see me go in and misinterpret my a tions.My good name wwould be brought in disrepute
I am well regarded as a real christian person and I have to protect my image and reputation.I pass there twice per day for many years.Moreover there was also a Betting shop as well as a games shop.I explained my position to him and we enjoyed a good relationship through the years but i pass that place by.You see it was in the city and everyone might not know that we were related by law.
Since several people were there watching horses a d all of those things I did not enter to cast a doubt on my resson for stopping by.
I am proud to be called a good Christian.I am respected as a christian and the scriptures say that we must come out from among them. I dont want people to say "I see her visiting the rum bar or gambling".There was less than a chain from where I worked for many years.
This was my position.I was frequently called on to do devotions in the morningsand to assistother people who desired help.You can tell me if my attitude was wrong.
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