Beloved of All
Maybe I was wrong and my last girlfriend was the one for me after all. Or maybe she was my only chance and I blew it. Did I make the right choice breaking up with her, or was it a mistake. I miss her, or at least the good parts of our relationship. The holing hands, the kissing. I miss it. I miss the way she called me her man. She made me feel good about myself. She made me feel like I was worth something. I want that again. I want it with the right person though. But what if she was the right person? What if she was the only option? What if I never have that again? Oh God give me peace that I made the right choice, or please bring me the right girl. Forget it, who am I kidding? Some people don't get to have a spouse I guess. I guess I'm one of them. I just wanna die. I'd rather die than be without a women to be my help-mate. Why doensnt God just kill me?