Beloved of All
The devil is a liar!! The word is truth!!! It is war. It is written, bring down strongholds, into submission to the Living Word of our Living God. Yes trials and tribulation, but Christ already battled them and He won! Why are we settling for less than the promises found in His word, why are we settling for the devils lies and stumbling blocks, is this what children of the Most High do? Is this what the citizens of the Kingdom of the Most High do? submit to lies! submit to less!
It is written that the Bride of Christ will be presented to Christ, our bridegroom, with no wrinkle, not battered, yes by way of the Cross, Him crucified, we are cleansed, born again, a new creation, yes this life leaves scars, but our souls, our being , is under attack from the outside, beating us down, battered!, from our relationships, our health, our finances, and yes our faith ! Even in our nation, we are divided, churches divided by denominations and teachings, our homes, families, work places, division every which way we turn! And we call this God's will, for us. No it is not God's will for us to live like this, if it were, then the examples in scripture would have been held back from our written word! Even though our robes are crimson, I will wash them white as snow! Through Christ, and it is through Christ whom we enter, being cleansed, we enter the presence of God, to make our petitions, with confidence to receive, in Hebrew receive means to take, to take that which we ask for! We don't have because we have put the devils lie in there that we have hidden agendas, hidden sin, hidden un forgiveness, what can we hide from God, what part of our hearts can he not see, where can we hide from God, did not David say there is no place that His glance can not see us! Nor to far away that His arm can not save us!
I was listening to an old program and the talk was about Solomon, and the building of the temple, the temple was lavish, only the best for the Most High, the people gave, other nations gave their best materials and workmanship, and the King, Solomon gave in today's worth, billions , a people, a nation, who was still under the law needing an atonement, and yet, they were Blessed! For two weeks now by several different outlets I have heard the story of the woman with the issue of blood who reached in through a crowd to touch Christ's hem and received her healing! (took it) How can this be, she was breaking the law! She was unclean, for twelve years to be exact, so how could she be healed while breaking the law regarding blood issues! If sin, confession, un forgiveness stands between us! No it was her faith, her faith in God, that reached through that crowd in spite of, and received! Halleluyah and Amen This speaks to me because I wasn't looking for this teaching, some were new sermons, some were old, just chance airings, no I think God wanted to make a point! She purposed in her heart, one touch! In spite of.
The devil is a liar!! The word is truth!!! It is war. It is written, bring down strongholds, into submission to the Living Word of our Living God. Are you tired yet of seeing the brokenness , I am, I hunger to see a move of God as grand as the Resurrection of our Lord, as the parting of the Red Sea, the lions appetite satisfied with manna saving Daniel and the many others. Generations , years, of brokenness, heart break, destruction, it is time to stand firm, and take back what the devil has taken, yes by force, not entitled, as the world, but through promises of the Most High, much has been stolen, so mount up with His strength, and lets do battle. Devil your time is up, no more, not today, it is over!!!
Father, we praise you, with gratefulness, with songs of thanksgiving, we come to worship you in truth and in spirit, and with power, Christ our Lord. Amen
It is written that the Bride of Christ will be presented to Christ, our bridegroom, with no wrinkle, not battered, yes by way of the Cross, Him crucified, we are cleansed, born again, a new creation, yes this life leaves scars, but our souls, our being , is under attack from the outside, beating us down, battered!, from our relationships, our health, our finances, and yes our faith ! Even in our nation, we are divided, churches divided by denominations and teachings, our homes, families, work places, division every which way we turn! And we call this God's will, for us. No it is not God's will for us to live like this, if it were, then the examples in scripture would have been held back from our written word! Even though our robes are crimson, I will wash them white as snow! Through Christ, and it is through Christ whom we enter, being cleansed, we enter the presence of God, to make our petitions, with confidence to receive, in Hebrew receive means to take, to take that which we ask for! We don't have because we have put the devils lie in there that we have hidden agendas, hidden sin, hidden un forgiveness, what can we hide from God, what part of our hearts can he not see, where can we hide from God, did not David say there is no place that His glance can not see us! Nor to far away that His arm can not save us!
I was listening to an old program and the talk was about Solomon, and the building of the temple, the temple was lavish, only the best for the Most High, the people gave, other nations gave their best materials and workmanship, and the King, Solomon gave in today's worth, billions , a people, a nation, who was still under the law needing an atonement, and yet, they were Blessed! For two weeks now by several different outlets I have heard the story of the woman with the issue of blood who reached in through a crowd to touch Christ's hem and received her healing! (took it) How can this be, she was breaking the law! She was unclean, for twelve years to be exact, so how could she be healed while breaking the law regarding blood issues! If sin, confession, un forgiveness stands between us! No it was her faith, her faith in God, that reached through that crowd in spite of, and received! Halleluyah and Amen This speaks to me because I wasn't looking for this teaching, some were new sermons, some were old, just chance airings, no I think God wanted to make a point! She purposed in her heart, one touch! In spite of.
The devil is a liar!! The word is truth!!! It is war. It is written, bring down strongholds, into submission to the Living Word of our Living God. Are you tired yet of seeing the brokenness , I am, I hunger to see a move of God as grand as the Resurrection of our Lord, as the parting of the Red Sea, the lions appetite satisfied with manna saving Daniel and the many others. Generations , years, of brokenness, heart break, destruction, it is time to stand firm, and take back what the devil has taken, yes by force, not entitled, as the world, but through promises of the Most High, much has been stolen, so mount up with His strength, and lets do battle. Devil your time is up, no more, not today, it is over!!!
Father, we praise you, with gratefulness, with songs of thanksgiving, we come to worship you in truth and in spirit, and with power, Christ our Lord. Amen