Beloved of All
A few weeks ago, I posted a request in which I mentioned a relative that uses occult methods to try to control me. The person is Muslim and I have seen her my whole life going to people who practice Islamic black magic (sihr) to get her way; she still does it. She still calls her "imams", fortune tellers, and "marabouts" to ask for advice about a situation or how to deal with people. She would then give them the names of the people involved in the situation or people she's mad at so that they would cast spells against those people. The whole practice is abhorrent to me. I am also convinced that this relative might have voluntarily given herself to evil spirits to take over her or at least, opened doors for it to happen. Indeed, the Lord has shown me so many dreams over the years about another entity being inside of her. She has caused many rifts within the family, she is jealous, possessive. She definitely has a narcissistic personality disorder.
I am now the sole caregiver of that relative who has been showing increasing signs of dementia lately. I have to admit that the disruption caused by suddenly becoming this person's caregiver is preventing me from doing what God is calling me to do, for lack of time but also because I'm tired all the time, on edge. I'm forced to live with her now, and frankly, it's a living environment where it's hard to have moments of calm and contemplation. For example, every time I decide to enjoy some quiet time to listen to sermons online or listen to worship songs, as luck would have it, she pops in for some nonsense or to make a fuss about whatever. Personally, I think there's a demonic influence behind all this and I wish the Lord would bring all of that to the open. I know that not all mental illnesses or cognitive decline have a spiritual cause but evil influence/possession can definitely mimic genuine illnesses. So I'd like to ask you guys for your prayers that the Lord reveals whether her recent behavior is solely because of dementia or has a spiritual cause.
Thank you!
A few weeks ago, I posted a request in which I mentioned a relative that uses occult methods to try to control me. The person is Muslim and I have seen her my whole life going to people who practice Islamic black magic (sihr) to get her way; she still does it. She still calls her "imams", fortune tellers, and "marabouts" to ask for advice about a situation or how to deal with people. She would then give them the names of the people involved in the situation or people she's mad at so that they would cast spells against those people. The whole practice is abhorrent to me. I am also convinced that this relative might have voluntarily given herself to evil spirits to take over her or at least, opened doors for it to happen. Indeed, the Lord has shown me so many dreams over the years about another entity being inside of her. She has caused many rifts within the family, she is jealous, possessive. She definitely has a narcissistic personality disorder.
I am now the sole caregiver of that relative who has been showing increasing signs of dementia lately. I have to admit that the disruption caused by suddenly becoming this person's caregiver is preventing me from doing what God is calling me to do, for lack of time but also because I'm tired all the time, on edge. I'm forced to live with her now, and frankly, it's a living environment where it's hard to have moments of calm and contemplation. For example, every time I decide to enjoy some quiet time to listen to sermons online or listen to worship songs, as luck would have it, she pops in for some nonsense or to make a fuss about whatever. Personally, I think there's a demonic influence behind all this and I wish the Lord would bring all of that to the open. I know that not all mental illnesses or cognitive decline have a spiritual cause but evil influence/possession can definitely mimic genuine illnesses. So I'd like to ask you guys for your prayers that the Lord reveals whether her recent behavior is solely because of dementia or has a spiritual cause.
Thank you!