I have prayed. I asked God to honor your prayer requests in Jesus’ name. May God bless you with the desires of your heart that is the will of God. God is in control. Trust HIM. God Loves YOU. Everything is going to be alright. Trust God and Obey His Word.
Let This Be Your Prayer: God I pray in Jesus’ name, “Hear and answer my prayer with a yes and amen. Bless me spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally. Bless Me Lord Jesus. Bless Me in every area of my life! Encourage me daily. Teach me how to encourage myself in the Lord. Bless me with God-Esteem, Excellent Health, Healing, and Strength in Christ Jesus. Bless me to find the time and spend quality time with You God (in praise, prayer, worship, and Your Word). Bless Me Lord Jesus. Bless me to witness Salvation, Holiness, Faith, Hope, Love, Truth, Peace, and Joy to rule and reign in my home, my heart, and my family.
Give me the desires of my heart that is the will of God for my life. Bless Me Lord Jesus with the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on how to live a successful life in Christ Jesus. Make me a wise steward. Lead and guide my footsteps. Show me the way to go. Teach me how and make me take excellent care of myself and every thing that You have and will bless me with for the Glory of God. Help me to always drink plenty of water daily, eat healthy, exercise, get the proper rest. And God all that I have asked of you in this prayer please do the same for the writer of this prayer, all my family, friends, and all those who love and care about me in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!â€
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister
PS: You deny the enemy access into your life and home by living a Lifestyle shaped by the Word of God (James 4:7 & I Cor. 10:13).