Please, brethren, try to help me in prayer in order to overcome temptation of sexual perversion. I am 60 years old and, at 30, I came to know God by His Word but, even though my knowledge of Bible and some charismatic experiences and dreams that comfort me, I don’t know why I don’t get to overcome this kind of perversion when it comes to me. I had an homosexual experience in my teens and, and young, I continued with this practice and, even knowing a little to God and married, even so I had relation with gays and, recently, with transvestites. I am infected with HIV, but this is not so important that to be free, that to know the Lord Jesus Christ in His statement in John 8:31-36, or apostle Paul’s statement in Romans 8:1-2. I believe the Word but, possible, my understanding is wrong so my experience is equally contrary to victory and abundant life promised in John 10:10. Please, remember me in prayer. Thank you very much, in Christ Jesus.