Entering a new chapter in my life where I'm done wasting time with video games as an escape from life and problems of youth.
Confessing for sins like argumentativeness and temper, harsh and rude tone and words, negative attitude and outlook, fearfulness, doom and gloom, cynical worldview, and learned helplessness. Ungratefulness for what I had/have and for anger towards my parents, unthankfulness, disobedience, rebellion.
I had some rough teen and early adult years struggling with extreme anxiety and depression. Still to this day social anxiety that cripples any fellowship attempts. In the past I tried some drugs and focused so many worldly efforts for healing. I faced rejection early in school which gave way to victimhood and hate toward others. Resentment perhaps for adults not helping me. Losing trust and goodness in others. Pride that I deserved better. Lots of porn and lust with same sex attraction.
My past still weighs over me in the form of toxic shame, anxiety and fear. I struggle with same sex attraction still which worries me for my future.
I am praying for an encounter with God, by His divine grace, through Jesus Christ's shed blood on the cross. Healing my physical body, anxiety, fear, worry, weak voice, throat, nose, lack of confidence, deformed chest, skin on face, hair loss, other body aches and pains. Healing me of shame since we overcome by the blood of the Lamb who set us free.
I'm reading the word and praying daily. No wasteful hours on games or phone scrolling and apps. I need our Advocate to deliver my prayer and for myself to be filled with Holy Spirit. Transformed into a new creation with a new found purpose, joy, healing, and desiring to do the Lord's will. All glory to God. No boasting or relying on any of my own strengths or efforts. I must decrease so that He may increase in me. Amen.
Thanks for reading and praying brother or sister. May God richly bless you. In faith I pray that you are rewarded mightily.
Confessing for sins like argumentativeness and temper, harsh and rude tone and words, negative attitude and outlook, fearfulness, doom and gloom, cynical worldview, and learned helplessness. Ungratefulness for what I had/have and for anger towards my parents, unthankfulness, disobedience, rebellion.
I had some rough teen and early adult years struggling with extreme anxiety and depression. Still to this day social anxiety that cripples any fellowship attempts. In the past I tried some drugs and focused so many worldly efforts for healing. I faced rejection early in school which gave way to victimhood and hate toward others. Resentment perhaps for adults not helping me. Losing trust and goodness in others. Pride that I deserved better. Lots of porn and lust with same sex attraction.
My past still weighs over me in the form of toxic shame, anxiety and fear. I struggle with same sex attraction still which worries me for my future.
I am praying for an encounter with God, by His divine grace, through Jesus Christ's shed blood on the cross. Healing my physical body, anxiety, fear, worry, weak voice, throat, nose, lack of confidence, deformed chest, skin on face, hair loss, other body aches and pains. Healing me of shame since we overcome by the blood of the Lamb who set us free.
I'm reading the word and praying daily. No wasteful hours on games or phone scrolling and apps. I need our Advocate to deliver my prayer and for myself to be filled with Holy Spirit. Transformed into a new creation with a new found purpose, joy, healing, and desiring to do the Lord's will. All glory to God. No boasting or relying on any of my own strengths or efforts. I must decrease so that He may increase in me. Amen.
Thanks for reading and praying brother or sister. May God richly bless you. In faith I pray that you are rewarded mightily.