I have had many delays in getting my degree from college, with lots of blood, sweat, and tears, with hungry stomach and worrying galore. Finances have always been the main issue [plus health], but now, a problem that I never before had, grades/ academics, threatens to cause more delays. Please pray for me to graduate in August 2012 with my BSc degree, and that my grade issues will not only be resolved, but that from now until graduation, I make all A's, more like* what I was used to years ago [rather, better than - used to all A's & B's]. Thanks so much, and God bless you. I also need to get financing and acceptance to attend grad school after, if it is God's will. ..... I need a (or rather, THE*) life partner according to *God's *choosing.. I am a woman in her thirties, and have been long alone... Thanks for your prayers. God bless you.