Beloved of All
I bless myself and all brothers and sisters on this site with Abrahams blessing in Jesus name. I am full of wisdom and i am the light of this world and salt of this earth. I am always above and never beneath, i am the victor and not the victim, i am blessed and not cursed. I am ambassadors for Christ. I am living in Gods kingdom under Gods principles. I am in this world but not of this world. I am the king and priest bringing the kingdom of heaven on earth. I am receiving daily the word of God and life changing revelations and i have abundant life. I am ruling on this earth because thats i am called to do. I am a daughter (son) of the Most high King Jehowa. I am healed with the stripes of Jesus. I am blessed beyond what i can ask or think. All of my needs are covered abundantly according to His riches in glory. I am full of Gods wisdom and revelation, understanding and the knowledge of Him. The spirit of the Lord rests upon me, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength and the fear of the Lord. The love of God rules in my heart and mind. Jesus is my prince of peace, so the peace of God that is not of this world overflows my minds and heart. I am ruling in the heavens together with Christ. To me is given the power to tremple upon serpents and scorpions and power over all the ennemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me. I am worshiping my king in the spirit and in truth and praying to Him with all thanksgiving knowing that i already have what i ask for because it is done and finished on the Cross. I believe it, i receive it, thank you for it, Jesus. Great and mighty is Jesus' sacrifice and His blood is shouting in the heavens on our behalf in Jesus name. We have a great advocate interceeding for us in heavens. We have angels working on our side and for us. We are saved, healed, delivered, prosperous and blessed by the blood of Jesus and by the words of our mouths. My tongue has the power to bless and curse and i command my tongue to speak only words of blessing for me and others. I bind every high and lofty thing that lift itself up against the knowledge of God in me and in others. I bless and not curse others and i am blessed. I forgive and realease all hurt and bless my ennemies. My thoughts are pure, lovely, kind, jofull and positive and from my heart are springing forth streams of living waters. The word is the water that washes me and i feast on it daily. You God, go before me, you level the mountains and make the crooked places straight for me, you break in pieces the gates of brass and cut assunder the bars of iron, you show me the hidden riches in secret places Because of you I AM RICH. I am abundantly blessed I am completely healthy and whole. Nothing missing nothing broken. Peace and shalom of Jesus. I shall put my trust in you and rely completely on you because: not by my might nor by my power but by the spirit of the living God i shall see miracles. You are the God of signs and wonders. I decree and declare that this year (2017......) is the year of my explosive blessings, joyfull surprizes, sweatless victories and amazing breakthroughs. God, teach me how to trust in you more. You are my shelter and my hiding place. You are my tower and i am the apple of your eye. You love me beyond all my comprehension: i can see it in the sacrifice of your Son Jesus. I worship you and i adore you, my saviour, my lover and my Christ! Let people see you and your love in me.
I honor God with my time, money, attention and everything that i have and am, and He honors me. Because of that i am highly favored and preferentialy treated everywhere i go and everywhere i find myself in. Through Jesus sacrifice not only Abrahams but also Solomons, Josephs, Jabez, Davids, Isaacs, Jacobs and any other Jehowas blessing is passed down on me as His descendant in the name of Jesus.
I decree and declare this declaration for myself and for all brothers and sisters on this site and for all i love and care about in Jesus name. I bless my family, i bless my job/working place/business/all with who i work with, all my friends, collegues, neighbours and my family in the name of Jesus. I release anything that stands in the way of my overal prosperity, health and success in Jesus name. Amen. There is no lack in God, so i receive manifestation of my needs and righteous desires into my life in the name of Jesus. I seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else is added unto me. Also, i delight myself in the Lord and he gives me the desires of my heart. God is showing me daily His ways, thoughts and desires and helping me to align with them in Jesus name. I am everyday more Christlike. Jesus is manifesting in me, through me and around me. My soul yearns/longs for Gods heart and the glory of God is manifesting in my life. I am daily changed by the renewing of my mind through the Scriptures. I am marked by Christ. The star of God is on my forefront and He calles me His. Inheritence of God is mine, right now. The ennemy sees only blood of Jesus when he passes me by. I am invisible and untouchable to the ennemy. I am entering my promised land right now and am enjoying the giant fruits of the land that God has given me in the name of Jesus. All my ennemies are subdued. My land is the land of Goshen and the land of milk and honey in Jesus name. All my debts are paid off, covered, wiped off or forgiven by the power of the blood of Jesus. Every burden is removed , every yoke destroyed from off of my life. Every problem, every sickness, worry, sorrow, doubt, depression etc. gone in the name of Jesus. Longterm problems are expiring right now through the poweer of the blood of Jesus. They dont have power over us any more, in the name of Jesus. The just shall live by faith so i live now and believe in Jesus, the Son of God and his provision for me. The dreams and visions, purpose and calling of God for me are now revived and manifesting mightily in my life. God prepares the table before my ennemies. I am blessed, i will be blessed, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Me, my family, my friends, loved ones and brothers and sisters on this site are covered/protected with the blood of Jesus and blessed by Abrahams blessing, in Jesus name, amen. We are not only living abundantly, we are thriving. Everyone will see that we are the Chosen ones and blessed of the Lord. Amen.
I honor God with my time, money, attention and everything that i have and am, and He honors me. Because of that i am highly favored and preferentialy treated everywhere i go and everywhere i find myself in. Through Jesus sacrifice not only Abrahams but also Solomons, Josephs, Jabez, Davids, Isaacs, Jacobs and any other Jehowas blessing is passed down on me as His descendant in the name of Jesus.
I decree and declare this declaration for myself and for all brothers and sisters on this site and for all i love and care about in Jesus name. I bless my family, i bless my job/working place/business/all with who i work with, all my friends, collegues, neighbours and my family in the name of Jesus. I release anything that stands in the way of my overal prosperity, health and success in Jesus name. Amen. There is no lack in God, so i receive manifestation of my needs and righteous desires into my life in the name of Jesus. I seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else is added unto me. Also, i delight myself in the Lord and he gives me the desires of my heart. God is showing me daily His ways, thoughts and desires and helping me to align with them in Jesus name. I am everyday more Christlike. Jesus is manifesting in me, through me and around me. My soul yearns/longs for Gods heart and the glory of God is manifesting in my life. I am daily changed by the renewing of my mind through the Scriptures. I am marked by Christ. The star of God is on my forefront and He calles me His. Inheritence of God is mine, right now. The ennemy sees only blood of Jesus when he passes me by. I am invisible and untouchable to the ennemy. I am entering my promised land right now and am enjoying the giant fruits of the land that God has given me in the name of Jesus. All my ennemies are subdued. My land is the land of Goshen and the land of milk and honey in Jesus name. All my debts are paid off, covered, wiped off or forgiven by the power of the blood of Jesus. Every burden is removed , every yoke destroyed from off of my life. Every problem, every sickness, worry, sorrow, doubt, depression etc. gone in the name of Jesus. Longterm problems are expiring right now through the poweer of the blood of Jesus. They dont have power over us any more, in the name of Jesus. The just shall live by faith so i live now and believe in Jesus, the Son of God and his provision for me. The dreams and visions, purpose and calling of God for me are now revived and manifesting mightily in my life. God prepares the table before my ennemies. I am blessed, i will be blessed, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Me, my family, my friends, loved ones and brothers and sisters on this site are covered/protected with the blood of Jesus and blessed by Abrahams blessing, in Jesus name, amen. We are not only living abundantly, we are thriving. Everyone will see that we are the Chosen ones and blessed of the Lord. Amen.