Humble Prayer Warrior
Decisions decisions... Now that all my plans have been coming wife is now stressing out and doesn't want me going to Utah for this new job. I'm still going to pick up the gas saver tomorrow. I'm still planning on selling my Jeep tomorrow. I still need both of those transactions to happen. I've been looking online to see if there's some last minute opportunities for me to apply for. I've been mentally preparing myself to be gone for 6 weeks at a time with this new job. She's just overwhelmed with the idea of me actually taking off for this new job. We have 5 kids between the ages of ###-### and she takes care of her disabled brother who lives with us. I want to drive up to visit my parents before I drive to Utah, but Mom and Dad are both sick. If I go to Utah, I may not see my Mom again. She's had Stage 4 kidney disease for close to a year. Please PRAY FOR ME TO FIND A GOOD PAYING LOCAL POSITION! I didn't realize this would affect my wife like this. She's known about this for a few weeks now. I can't say I'm not making the trip to Utah, because I want the job. But most importantly, I need to know my wife is going to be okay for this first 6 weeks. It would also be nice to see my parents and brother. I have some serious soul searching to do in the next 48 hours and I need to make some BIG decisions. Please pray for me to know what to do and where to go. This is beginning to stress me out. Thank you Prayer Warriors.
I need some serious prayer right now.