We wake up in the middle of the night thinking. How on earth am I gona pay all these debts?
I must pay the morgage every month or else they will take away the house from us.
I have to pay the utilities and tuition for our chldren.
The truck, the car and the van needs to get repairs and we do not have funds to do it.
The tax collector is calling to pray overdue taxes.
Medical bills coming for the new born.
Pink slips are handing all over the place and the company will shut.
There are so many things that break our hearts, take away our peace of mind and we worry so much.
Self indulgence is all over. We must count our money before we spend it.
Over spending is all gone. We need money for food and payment of all the bills that come along.
I must rebuilt my credit score.
It is max out all my credit cards are used up.
Interest every month piles up.
Are we possessed by the stuff we have?
What Jesus said loving Him or loving material possessions on this earth?
As Jesus was going to Jerusalem, a rich man appeared and said to Him. Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Mark 10 It seems that this young rich man had everything on earth but worried about where he will end up when he died. Jesus reminded him to obey the commandments of God and He will be heading to heaven. The rich man said. I have obeyed all the commandments of God. Jesus loved him so much. Then replied. Sell everything you have and give them to the poor and come follow me. You will have treasures in heaven. The young man hearing this. Sadness came to him and refused to follow Jesus. It was too much for him. He had riches evewhere and he did not want to give it up.
How hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
Get rid of everything you have.
Give it to Jesus.
He will provide for your needs and will bless you when you read His word and obey it.
I must pay the morgage every month or else they will take away the house from us.
I have to pay the utilities and tuition for our chldren.
The truck, the car and the van needs to get repairs and we do not have funds to do it.
The tax collector is calling to pray overdue taxes.
Medical bills coming for the new born.
Pink slips are handing all over the place and the company will shut.
There are so many things that break our hearts, take away our peace of mind and we worry so much.
Self indulgence is all over. We must count our money before we spend it.
Over spending is all gone. We need money for food and payment of all the bills that come along.
I must rebuilt my credit score.
It is max out all my credit cards are used up.
Interest every month piles up.
Are we possessed by the stuff we have?
What Jesus said loving Him or loving material possessions on this earth?
As Jesus was going to Jerusalem, a rich man appeared and said to Him. Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Mark 10 It seems that this young rich man had everything on earth but worried about where he will end up when he died. Jesus reminded him to obey the commandments of God and He will be heading to heaven. The rich man said. I have obeyed all the commandments of God. Jesus loved him so much. Then replied. Sell everything you have and give them to the poor and come follow me. You will have treasures in heaven. The young man hearing this. Sadness came to him and refused to follow Jesus. It was too much for him. He had riches evewhere and he did not want to give it up.
How hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
Get rid of everything you have.
Give it to Jesus.
He will provide for your needs and will bless you when you read His word and obey it.