PraySite Requests
DEAREST LORD DIVINE SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST,please bless all of your power,light,grace,mercy for healing for ALL.Bless Tien,Alice,Shilrey,Don, Ria,Don,Mahmoud,Ali,Al,Doug,My precious family. Huggins Group,Martin Family,Carmelite Sisters,Order of St Jude all orders of the clergy,Francesco,JoAnn,Eva,Linda,Erika,Slade Family,the many many with Cancer,Dr Rubin,family staff,Dr Sicov,Family Staff,Mariam Hosp that saved my life. CHOMP Two Cancer wellness groups,Sandy. My travel east May 20th June 1st.
My finances,health. My appt with Dr Sicov to be most successful and healing,happy. My air travel.PLEASE--- ,LORD DIVINE SAVIOR GREAT HEALER JESUS CHRIST I know all can and will be accomplished according to your will.Love,peace,blessings, grace,prayers to ALL. Diana
My finances,health. My appt with Dr Sicov to be most successful and healing,happy. My air travel.PLEASE--- ,LORD DIVINE SAVIOR GREAT HEALER JESUS CHRIST I know all can and will be accomplished according to your will.Love,peace,blessings, grace,prayers to ALL. Diana