Disciple of Prayer
Dear Yeshua,
I pray for all the people in America, and for the leadership in all the States of the union, from town mayors, to Governors. I pray for all political parties in the House and Senate. That they will have sobering convictions regarding the direction the nation has been moving in both domestic and foreign policies.
I pray that Your Mercy and Grace would be upon the American people, especially those who profess faith in you but might not be practicing works of faith in the manner which you taught your disciples to do.
I pray for these as you prayed for us Lord. 'Sanctify them by Your Truth, Your Word is Truth' John 17:17. I pray for the protection of America's citizens from attacks at home and abroad. I pray that the relationship America has with Israel will not waiver and that it will be strengthened with a resolve to do better policy in dealing with terrorism and that neither country will lower themselves to the level of it's enemies and administer inhumane treatment.
I personally ask your forgiveness for harboring evil thoughts toward Palestinians, Hamas, Hizbullah, Mahmoud Abbas or the Leaders of Iran. Your Word says 'render not evil for evil' 1Peter 3:9 Romans 12:17, 1Thessalonians 5:15 I confess I have sinned against your Word by harboring ugly ideas toward the enemies of the United States and Israel. I pray for the salvation of people in the Muslim community and for those who've been oppressed by radical Islam whether Sunni or Shiite. May they know we are praying for them and love them.
May those entrusted with decisions to defend the country not have an evil heart by being sadistic or blood thirsty, and that they would seek to use only the necessary amount of force to deal with the threats they're challenged with.
I ask forgiveness on behalf of the United States for the use of torture and violence to extract information from anyone connected to terrorist organizations or a foreign intelligence agency. I pray for the healing of those who've served in the foreign intelligence community or cladestine services.
I pray for their salvation and that they would serve You by helping the church in territories that are oppressing people who believe in You. I pray for the healing of those who have been injured by any foreign intelligence service by means of torture or having been given the wrong information that led to the death or injury of someone who was not actually a threat. I pray for their families. I pray that they would find it in their heart to forgive.
I pray for the men and women veterans who've served in the armed forces, that they would be healed of any physical ailments or mental issues which have resulted from combat or trauma. I pray any feelings of resentment toward the country they served would be replaced by Your love and compassion. I praise You in knowing that whatever evil had been meant for us, You can turn it for Your Good and ours. I ask you Yeshua to touch the lives of any veterans or those currently serving with Your love and help those of us in service to You, to reach out to them and minister to whatever needs they have physically, spiritually, emotionally.
I praise You and thank You for hearing my petition, Have mercy on us as we close this year and move into the next. May we all be wiser and seek Your face, as Your Word says, 'the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom' Proverbs 1:7
In Your name I pray
I pray for all the people in America, and for the leadership in all the States of the union, from town mayors, to Governors. I pray for all political parties in the House and Senate. That they will have sobering convictions regarding the direction the nation has been moving in both domestic and foreign policies.
I pray that Your Mercy and Grace would be upon the American people, especially those who profess faith in you but might not be practicing works of faith in the manner which you taught your disciples to do.
I pray for these as you prayed for us Lord. 'Sanctify them by Your Truth, Your Word is Truth' John 17:17. I pray for the protection of America's citizens from attacks at home and abroad. I pray that the relationship America has with Israel will not waiver and that it will be strengthened with a resolve to do better policy in dealing with terrorism and that neither country will lower themselves to the level of it's enemies and administer inhumane treatment.
I personally ask your forgiveness for harboring evil thoughts toward Palestinians, Hamas, Hizbullah, Mahmoud Abbas or the Leaders of Iran. Your Word says 'render not evil for evil' 1Peter 3:9 Romans 12:17, 1Thessalonians 5:15 I confess I have sinned against your Word by harboring ugly ideas toward the enemies of the United States and Israel. I pray for the salvation of people in the Muslim community and for those who've been oppressed by radical Islam whether Sunni or Shiite. May they know we are praying for them and love them.
May those entrusted with decisions to defend the country not have an evil heart by being sadistic or blood thirsty, and that they would seek to use only the necessary amount of force to deal with the threats they're challenged with.
I ask forgiveness on behalf of the United States for the use of torture and violence to extract information from anyone connected to terrorist organizations or a foreign intelligence agency. I pray for the healing of those who've served in the foreign intelligence community or cladestine services.
I pray for their salvation and that they would serve You by helping the church in territories that are oppressing people who believe in You. I pray for the healing of those who have been injured by any foreign intelligence service by means of torture or having been given the wrong information that led to the death or injury of someone who was not actually a threat. I pray for their families. I pray that they would find it in their heart to forgive.
I pray for the men and women veterans who've served in the armed forces, that they would be healed of any physical ailments or mental issues which have resulted from combat or trauma. I pray any feelings of resentment toward the country they served would be replaced by Your love and compassion. I praise You in knowing that whatever evil had been meant for us, You can turn it for Your Good and ours. I ask you Yeshua to touch the lives of any veterans or those currently serving with Your love and help those of us in service to You, to reach out to them and minister to whatever needs they have physically, spiritually, emotionally.
I praise You and thank You for hearing my petition, Have mercy on us as we close this year and move into the next. May we all be wiser and seek Your face, as Your Word says, 'the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom' Proverbs 1:7
In Your name I pray