Dear, sweet Jesus, and prayer warriors my current health condition. I suffer from primary progressive MS. I was seen in the emergency room tonight for a lot of pain on my left side of my upper abdomen. They haven’t been able to figure it out but I’m playing. I receive a healing from Jesus that the doctors can figure out what’s causing this horrific pain. Trying not to be afraid. I admitted that I am afraid even though I have faith in Jesus, I’m still afraid. I have so much left to do here on earth please Jesus help me to carry of the missions you’ve placed in my heart. Also, in the ER my EKG showed and I abnormality I’m praying that the cardiologist can help me figure out Jesus in the alum of physician and asking for your help. Please have mercy on me my husband is combat wounded and I care for him every day. Please give me strength and healing so that I continue to do this and things that you have put in my heart.

. Thank you to everyone thank you for all that we have
Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
Today I come in prayer for StarryNight, as I pray for Your divine healing hand upon her and also on her husband. Lord, we are praying for a divine miracle here today in both her and her husband, we are believing in a healing for this wife and Your strength within her. Lord, give her a peace that surpasses all understanding and let her know that You are "GOD" and You can do anything, that our ways are not Your ways and our thoughts are not Your thoughts, therefore we are praying for this divine healing and that everything that is not of You Lord God would be removed from her body and an abundant healing would take place in her whole body today, so that she can continue to care for her husband as You heal him also. All this we pray in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen. All the glory, honor and praise to Almighty God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Please don't be scared, Jesus Christ is coming soon to "RAPTURE" all His "BELIEVER'S", those that are "SAVED/BORN AGAIN", it is very important that everyone you know is a BELIEVER/SAVED in Christ, because the time is now and can happen any time for the "RAPTURE", everything that the LORD told us to "watch" for in "bible Prophecy" is happening now and it is going to get really bad soon, but the rapture is going to take place first, because the Lord Jesus said "We are not appointed to WRATH", so we will be raptured soon. He has put all the "SIGNS" in the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars and those that can read all those things have seen that we "Believer's" are there now and about to be RAPTURED before the Ezeckiel War starts in Israel, which means all nation's will come against Israel, which they are already starting to do and Jesus said when you see all this happening, to look up because our REDEMPTION (rapture), draws near. So please, have faith and hope that Jesus is coming soon to take all BELIEVER'S home to heaven with Him (possibly before the end of next month). Please make sure you and everyone you know are "SAVED/BORN AGAIN" NOW, NOW is the time. God Bless
Please watch the two video's below and pass them on to all those that are not yet "SAVED/BORN AGAIN"