Prayer Partner
Dear Saints, This past year has been one of drastic change for me. I lost a relationship with someone who I was ready to spend the rest of my life with. This was the person who I’d move mountains for just to see them happy. However, it appears that they betrayed me and used me as a means to further their own goals. They very quickly moved on to someone else and I can still say that even almost a year later I’m simply hurt. I’m just really confused, at times sad, and I simply can’t find peace. I feel like I’m constantly having to speak to the person because they owe me money but refuse to pay in a timely manner. This has been causing me a lot of undue stress and I’m just constantly on this emotional roller coaster. But as I am about to embark on the 1 year mark since our break up (May) I want to start my life anew. I want to walk away from this burden and I want to live in such a way that I’m looking forward to the blessings that God has for me ahead. The Bible said that the best is yet to come yet I continue to live in my past as though there’s nothing more that God can do for me. Today I ask that you all pray against the things that are weighing me down. I pray that the Lord will bind up every plan of the enemy set to keep me in this state of confusion and depression and yearning for someone who has turned their back on me. Today I pray that the Lord will guide me and allow me to handle this situation gracefully. My plan is to change my number in May, so from that point forward, I just want to cut off all communication. So today I just ask God to give me the wisdom to navigate this situation. And I pray that he will allow me to see his work unfold in my life, so that I may know that this too shall pass and that this will end in praise. I also pray for a prophetic word to give me confirmation of that which the Lord has in store for me. Thanks in advance for your prayer.