Prayer Partner
Dear LORD. we commit this day unto your hands..thank you very much for helping us in our test, me and tekeraoi and the rest of the students.. please OH LORD let us pass all our tests. help me get A+ in all my tests and i know i have to study to earn and LORD please help me study give the strength and the wisdom to study. thank you very much for being with me in my tests and preparation. dear LORD please be with my family and protect them from all dangers and evil spirits that are making them not follow your will oh LORD. please be with sikela help him in his sickness and be with christie and her baby, give them the comfort from you oh LORD. thank you very much for the wealth and the knowledge that you have provided for us. please be with my life and lead me so that i can do things that are according to your will. forgive our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us....please be with itiona in whatever situation he is in. and give him the strength to achieve whatever plans he wants to do according to your will oh LORD..we pray this prayer in no other name but in the name of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST...amen..