Humble Prayer Partner
Dear Lord, Please forgive me for the wrongs I committed during my relationship with Andrew. My depression had a hold on me that I could not escape. It ruined our loving relationship. I repent for all my wrongdoings. I repent for the hurtful things I said to him. I didnโt mean those words. I was just extremely depressed. My mind told me I was just protecting myself. But I was hurting him so much. I didnโt mean any of it. He says he forgives me, but he still talks about how much it bothered him. I am grateful you brought Andrew back into my life. Even though we are just friends I am thankful for him. I do not, however, understand why you brought him back to me. You know that I want to marry him. Bring his friend can be painful at times because I still am very much in love with him. I am unsure how he feels about me. Sometimes I feel like he might give me another chance one day. Other times I feel I am stuck in the friend zone from now on. Lord I am trusting in you and leaning on you to guide me during this phase of my life. Guide me in what to say and do. I leave this relationship at the foot of your throne. You know what I want the outcome to be. I accept things no matter what you have planned for us. Just please God forgive me, guide me, and love me through all of this. In Christโs name I pray. Amen.