Beloved of All
DEAR LORD, My heart is truly breaking today. I feel the pain setting in. I truly MISS my friend ### and the rest of my friends that I loved before my life blew up in my face after a THIEF stole my FB and Messenger ID, then after that my main device had the screen go black and they tell me it’s not fixable. LORD, it hurts SO BAD to lose connection with all my friends. And they tell me a new I pad would cost one to two thousand and I live on meager social security. I MISS the daily interaction with all my friends. I wonder where they are at and how their life is. And I miss ###. Oh, I ESPECIALLY miss ###!!! Jesus, I have no idea what became of her. And we were such beautiful friends. Then it all fell apart in my face without warning!! It was suddenly and abruptly CUT OFF, as was my life when the thief stole my ID and then when my device went black. I’ve had the rug pulled out from under my feet so MANY times in life over the decades that now I think I’ve developed a core belief that that’s the way life is SUPPOSED TO BE. I think my own subconscious believes it’s not worth trying ANYTHING because whatever I do is only eventually going to get blown up and taken away from me, so why even try? OH LORD, I don’t understand the PATTERNS of my life. I seem to be caught up in a vortex of negative repeating patterns! I don’t understand the constant SET-BACKS which have brought me to my old age but never having been a true success in ANYTHING, my years being eaten away and consumed by set-backs. The set backs in my life have gobbled my years like PAC man!! I miss ### so much! LORD can you please reveal to me her whereabouts or her condition? LORD can you please show me that her daughters are OK? Can you please show me if there is any feeling any warmth left in her heart for me?? Does she miss me LORD? Does she think about me??? LORD, can you please reveal to me the name and location of the wicked thief / scammer who stole my life?? LORD, will they be allowed to keep doing this to me? Will they get away with the theft?? Will they live a happy life, pretending to be me on FB and scamming people as me? Will they continue to steal and rip off others while using my name and photo??? LORD is there any possible way by your great and supernatural power that you can FIX ALL THIS train wreck and restore my stolen life back and my stolen goods and my smeared reputation? LORD, is there compensation? Is there recompense??? Is my life forever WRECKED??? OH. LORD, these last few months have felt like a punch in the gut from a prize fighter that took the wind out of me and I don’t know how to recover or get back on my feet. It hurt so bad that I’ve sought out Christian grief counselors shortly after my mom died, and I know they love you and I know they are trying their best to help, but I’m beginning to realize that the counseling sessions are probably a waste of time. They can only get to the surface of my horrible pain. They can’t get to my core and they can’t heal my wounds. They can hear about my trauma, but they can’t feel it. Oh Jesus, I need a MASSIVE ALL ENCOMPASSING MIRACLE from heaven if I’m ever to be healed from the trauma and if I’m ever able to get back on my feet!! I don’t want to live this way, God, and I’m sure not ready to die!!! LORD, what a terrible, terrible fix I’m in!! And not of my own doing! I was living my life trying to be a blessing to others, then WHAM!! My ship got hit by an iceberg!! And I’m taking in water fast!! JESUS HELP ME!! Father God in heaven help me!!!!