Faithful Servant
dear lord jesus this is your child steve unash
i pray this prayer for you to accept this prayer today 10-19-2014
dear lord jesus
i know i am a sinner and i ask for your forgiveness i believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead
i trust and follow you as my lord and savior guide my life and help me to do your will in your name amen from steve unash please accept this please thank you love you always steve unash
i pray this prayer for you to accept this prayer today 10-19-2014
dear lord jesus
i know i am a sinner and i ask for your forgiveness i believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead
i trust and follow you as my lord and savior guide my life and help me to do your will in your name amen from steve unash please accept this please thank you love you always steve unash