Humble Prayer Partner
Dear Lord Jesus, Last week, I've just been so depressed. Really, really depressed. What's worse is my right ear still has infection and drainage that didn't recover with antibiotic treatment. I feel so ashamed of going to the hospital in a bun with muffled hearing and drainage coming out of my ear. I have aches and pains all over my body that I couldn't explain. What's worse is that, there seems to be no end to my bitterness and resentment at work. I seem to be getting better but I'm also not? And the NSO doesn't seem to listen to me when I said I wanted to move to the OR. I feel like everyone hates me, I feel so alone, I feel like.. I'm nothing. I feel laughed at, I feel depressed, I feel so down.. and I feel so horrible looking at my patients, especially that one baby who's really struggling, and who's struggling even more because of procedural errors. What's more.. mr OR nurse.. is not who I envisioned to be and I'm disappointed, and he's ignoring me now instead of his usual cheery smile. sure, I prayed for him, i wanted him to be healthy and happy and all for You, Lord, but I guess I just have no place in his life, and what makes it worse is I feel selfish for wanting to have one. Please Lord.. I want to see an end to my anguish. I feel like there's no end. I feel like my lens to my life is all set in negative and I feel like there's no silver lining to what I'm going through right now. I'm sad. I'm lonely. I'm bored. I'm depressed. I'm anxious. I'm scared. I'm tired. I'm weakened, reduced to nothing. I feel like every bit of joy inside of me was robbed and I became a tin man, wanting my heart back. I was already plotting my end at some point because I think living life is pointless. What I want never mattered because I always have to sacrifice them for someone else's, I always have to make room for what everyone else needs so I have nothing left. Seriously, I am at my lowest point right now. My family must be sick of trying to listen to me because I know deep down I am just a toxic person. I just feel like I don't deserve anything good at all. I'm not good enough for anything, and I do everything wrong in my life. Everything I decide to do is wrong, every opinion i have is wrong, everything i say is wrong. Nothing feels right anymore. So what's the point of living? I just need a breakthrough. A miracle. A solution to my problems. I know it's all You, Lord. You definitely will help me, but.. why do I feel so alone? Why do i feel so far away from You? Why do other people always have to succeed in their schemes on my behalf? And why do other people get chosen for my desires instead of me? And why can't I just be a better Christian? Why can't I be gentle, patient, willing to serve.. instead, I am bitter, resentful, angry, anxious. I'm sure You led me to the NICU to spread the Gospel, but I became broken instead. I feel like a bad Christian, and I deserve hell because I didn't obey You and I resented You. I just don't know what to do anymore. Please let me know. I need answers Lord. I need hope, i need joy, i need peace, I need love. I need a warm, gentle hand and a voice to tell me everything will be alright. Because somehow, by the way things are going, I'm scared. Please Lord, please. Ease my pain, Lord. I give these burdens to You. Thanks a lot. I still love You. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.