Prayer Warrior
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, king of Heaven and Earth...He who was, who is and who will be forever and ever, I thank u my saviour for coming into my life and miracously curing all my problems as a powerful medicine would cure all ailments. Thank u Jesus for all ur blessings. Although, still unseen problems pave ways, i pass gloriously through them through ur holy name. Please Jesus, heal my remaining problems. Please bless the marriage of my parents. Make them a loving couple again and throw away all the problems created by the evil one away form their married life. Make them one, Jesus. I thank u for their already improving relationship. Thank u Lord for my good result. Although it was below my expectations, I still thank u, Jesus. Give me ur grace to work harder the next year and recieve beyond my expectations. Help me forgive my enemies and forgive me too for my sins. I know it is not easy but help me to forgive them and love them too. Open their hearts too Jesus, so that that they may love me too. I ask all thsi through u Holy name. Amen.