Mary B
Humble Servant
Dear Lord I come to you a worried child of yours. Please help Stepahnie I am so worried scared and concerned about her mental being . She is having a hard time adjusting to being at home after being away at school . help her to see we are only looking after her well being . She wanted to stay at school work 2 jobs pay rent giving herself 50.00 a month for food and she didn't see anything wrong with that. all for a boy. there are times when she talks its like i have no idea who she is . she told me families don't fight or argue and everything is her fault and thats what she didn't want to come back, Every family fights here and their but she makes it out she had such a horrible life at home. her dad and I worked our butts off to provide a good home and up bringing for her and her brother to afford to help pay for their college . Her dad is convince that if she stayed their she would of been stripping for a living know i found a letter to this boy saying she is trying to get back their and how he is her everything and she is the happiest with him . i am afraid one day i will wake up and she will be gone. i will be broken if that happens. i don't know what to do . i know in time all will work out and all i can do is pray. she was such a bright girl and something happened . Its like he is the greatest thing out there the world will come to an end if there not together. she tell me otherwise but i don't know its like brainwashing is going on and her friends are just so supportive and don't see the negative changes in her . Please Lord help me to help her and the only way i can is to cry out for your help i am so scared. she has a couple interviews please help her to get one of them. and apply to school. Please Lord help me . I pray for this and all those seeking your love guidance support