Dear Lord, I am sad for my daughter. She hates me so much that she doesn't respect me like she used to. Still, I prayed for her. She used to be a good student, even so good in her studies that she always get scholarships and awards/medals but for over 4 years now she doesn't like to study anymore. She took a scholarship exam recently but didn't make it anymore instead got a very low score. Last time, she got a very high score that she got scholarship but now doesn't even make the cut. I even prayed she passed because we are tight so on our finances. I even let her join a review class but instead she did other stuff online, even lying to me and yelling and say bad words if I tried to ask her why she's not concentrating. I know I might have been strict with her but it was for her own good. I don't want her to grow up a bad and lazy person but that's what she is right now. She disrespects me most of the time and it hurts me so bad. Now, I am even more down looking at her grades yet she kept lying to me that she got it. What happened to my daughter, Lord? Please enlighten me and her. Please let her realize the sacrifices her parents made for her. We want the best for her but she always misunderstood us, especially me. I don't even know what to do with her since it's hard to talk to her sensibly. As I am typing this I am crying. She used to be so sweet, kind and so intelligent but she is now downgrading herself with her studies, saying bad words and screams at me when mad. I just can't allow her to do that to me that I tried to put her in her place but instead she kicked or slammed the door and yells. Oh God, please, save her. She doesn't even pray no matter how many times I told her. Where did my teachings go? I am so hurt and in pain knowing what my child had become. Enlighten me also. I have to say that some may have been my fault. Please help me with my daughter to find the right path. I am so heartbroken and disappointed with how things turned out right now.