Let Us Pray For Each Other: God I ask in Jesus name, bless every active member of this prayer site (including myself) to prosper spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally, and be in excellent health. Cause each of our souls to prosper by being built up in the Word of God in truth and understanding. Most importantly bless each of us to come to know You in truth and fall totally in love with You. Bless us with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to fulfill the purpose You created us for. Let the plans that You, Jehovah God, have planned for us come forth and materialize. Place a hedge of protection and a wall of fire all around us. Keep us safe from all hurt, harm, and danger. Be our refuge, fortress, and our ever present help in the time of trouble. Bless each of us with the miracle that we stand in need of. Thank You God for answering this prayer. Thank You. Amen, So Be It.