Beloved of All
Dear Lord God, Dear CREATOR ... YOU ARE REAL. You are More Real than anything I know or understand. You are more Real than my family, my children, my grandchildren - whom I love so much. YOU ARE HERE, YOU ARE NOW. If only the Entire World would BELIEVE IN YOU and BELIEVE YOU ARE REAL... THEN I KNOW WE WOULD HAVE ETERNAL PEACE AND LOVE Amongst all the Brothers and Sisters on this Planet. WARS and CONFLICT would STOP. ALL CHILDREN WOULD BE SAFE FROM HARM, ALL Children would be LOVED and PROTECTED. We would Help one another - no matter what our skin color, or where we are born, or what we do for work - We would Help Each Other - Freely and Generously. ** Dear Merciful Lord God - You Created Love, Compassion, Giving and Patience - and YOU Give us Love, Compassion, Giving, Patience with so much Generosity. THANK YOU DEAR LORD. Thank you for so much that you have given to me and my family. Please TEACH ME to have a Bigger Heart. Please TEACH ME how to Give more Freely and Generously. Dear CREATOR, you have done so much for me and my family. I am so GRATEFUL to YOU, for EVERYTHING. PLEASE Embrace and Protect All of Us. PLEASE DEAR LORD - PLEASE TEACH US TO BECOME BETTER HUMAN BEINGS. Dear God - I Pray to You with my Entire Heart and Soul - Without Conditions. (I know I am NOT worth anything, I am small and foolish.)