Beloved of All
dear Lor dhtnak oyu for anothe rxday thnak you so mcuh that my grandma is alive yesterday was so hard. pelas eotuch her iwht YOur helaign hand slord Jeus Christ and your salvation thanky ou Lord Jeus CHrist. Lord pleas eotuch her bowel and her body remove all sickness and diseas eincluding type 1 diabetes all bood sugar issues all dementia osteoporisis small bowel obstruciton syndrome. pelase touch her will emotions brign her a merr yheart please let osmehtign mirauclouls happen in her life toda yin thenameo fthe Lord Jeus CHirst for the praise and glor yof oyur name lor dJeus Christ. Lord i would liek you to pleas ehal my mothe rof asperger syndrome and hellp me communicate in a way that doe snot make me comprimise my true self. i have a depe voice n di wann use it and not alway salte rit if oyu odnt liek my voice pelas echang emy voice. pelase remove asper syndorm form my mom's brian and all fmaily who may have it incluidng me if i have it. I ask that oyu hela my netire fmaily so my grnadma her sosn her daughter me my brother my dad siste rin law bé, B, siste irn las gábor, all sid eof fmaily and hti4e rpsouses and families too sand al peopel churhc all peopel peasle hela al lpeopel metabolically pelase free us all form cance rtumors metbaloc acidosis type 1 diabetes type 2 dianbetes diabete isnsipidus, all forms of insulin resitiance chrochric kidney disease all forms of kidney disease, pleas ehal al peopls eye snoses dleive rus all form flesh eatign bacteria pelase dleive rlal form hiv cancer aids all type f cancer galucoma blood suagr illness stress relatedillness type 1 diabetes heal peopel pancreas organs kidneys haearty hela my borhters teeht dehydraitons issue sdeprrion all mental and physicla and emotional and spiritual and neurlogical illnesses, hela all communciaiton disoder sbetween peopele and beteeen us and you Lord os we may have excelelnt amwzing relaitonship with oyu Lord Jeus CHirst, i ask that oyu please sela us all with oyu rhOly spirit and clense us form sisn wiht oyur holy blood i beg of your mercies. forgiv emy past and present failure sins known and unknwon, Lor dpelas ehelp me and lal my relative to bsubmit to you Only. pela smak eour lives filed with oyur presence and the joy of oyur Holy spiri in all my fmailyie slives. help us always achknowledge you and pelase giv eus your wisdom and the powe rot truly always act ont hat wisodm, dleive ur sofrm pride selfish ambition and stubborn ess, help me to obey my parent isnall thigns.. Lor di am totoally tire dof the isickness in the fmialy pelas ehal us wiht oyur love and ocmpassion and forgiv eour sins. pelas ehal my grandma form dmeentia small bowel obstiruciton vasoldilation herna disks slipped disks misaligned bowels muscle smuscle satryophy eyes vision skin malnuttion malabsorbtion high bloodsuga rhighblood pressur eissues pleas eamke it so that all her organs work mirauclously always that she she ahs pleant yof oxygen to her brian her bowel her healrth all her cells and organs .pelase relase her form all demons and all illness and sorry of rmy shortcomigns fialings a as a caregive rpelase forgiv ema dn giv em the strenght motivation courage and power to pray for her wihtout ceaisng i ask tha toyu giv em the faith and her an dall my fmaily in YOu Lord jeus CHirst, i aks that oyu plea ewserefresh and rstor eour souls Lord i ask that you touch my grandma wiht miraculoulsy blessing sbreath live into her lor dJue sChirst adn also breaht lif einto my parents abundant life into my grandma uncle my mom ym dad Brother sister in law and my neice,Lor dbreaht life into B, dleive rhim form smoking alhcolism all false Gods and poverty, dleiver my fmaiyl form all poverty please dleiver my dad form poverty please provide him the right friedships form you Lord Jeus CHirst aand i pra htis for allpoepe. please restore thos ewho have emtnal healht problem adn intursive htoughts pleas edleive rall peopel form phobias, dleiver me form chona phoboia, dleiver this world form all types of viruses plagues, help us to keep your commandments at al times. pelase brign lot sof joy into my life stmina energy motivaitont o do diapers. Lord pleas ermeove all pests ofrm home ad resurect all insects that passe odn due to my negligence pelase ofrgive me. Lor dpleas egiv em the help i need to care for my grandma dn my mom provid eof rmy friendhsis oyu deem tha touwl her me destiny helpers you deem woudl help me surooudn all my fmaily wiht oyur lovign pritection and lovign providence. surorudn us wiht oyu rlove Lord for oyu r are Lorve. pelas ehelp me to truly discern your voice and truly live for you. and desir eoyu Lord. hel p me to desire and edelight in OYu help me to surrende rmy dreams and hopes into oyur hands help me to desire oyur Will and your comamndments. help me to keep hydrated brush my teeth Lor di really am truly at al total loss as to how ot help my grandma imdnt knw o what ofeed her. pelase tlle mwhat to feed her. help me do the garden Lord giv eme wisodm on how what to plant an dprovide the seems and necessry materials. pleas ehelp B do the roof. provid eof rhimthe knoweldege wisodm skills and the help her needs who have great wisdom and expertise in roof beuildign. pelase heal all damage to oru property mirauclously if you aore willign. pelas ehelp me fidn the right gifts htigns that my neice my siste irn law and brothe rneed for oYOur glory. please provide the emn in my fmaily great wisodm form the Lord and th desire to do Gods IWll His Way. may they alway be guided by the lr dJeus chirst and neevr mislad by the nemy in any way. pelas also od this for all men adn woemn too. pelas ealso fo rmy husband form the lor dtoo. Please lord at the appointed tme please jpoin me with the boen of my boen flehs of my flehs in holy matrimony. please protect my husnad formthe Lor dform all harm. hela him and ressurect whatevr is dead in his life and also for me and ym family and all poepel too. pelase heal my husband and me in every way mentally physiclal emotionally intellectually nerulogically physically and in every way pelase dleiver my husband form all ungodly habits and me too. pelase help my HUsband lord for hIm to pursue your heart Lord. please rovid eof rla His needs and may you use Him greatly for your Glory . Ma yhe serve you wiht all His breath and me too. pelas emak eour union truly blessign to one another and those aorund us a gift that You have ordained one another to be a gif to one anoter. pleas eproear eus and giv eus clear direciton for what oyu want us to do as husband and wife be wiht us awlays oyur hoyl spirit stornger than ever. pelase giv eus a ver yspeacial devine conneciton and strong intimate love forone another. pelase tlewl me who my husbandis Lord and dleive rme form all ocutnerfeit husbands. dleiver em and my husband form all occutic powers, let satan enver otuchmy shuabdn or decieve himw ith anyhtign in hislfi eincuding strange women strangemarriages adultery and and idoltery. may He have steafast spirit wiht the Lord jue sChirst an di pray this for me as well. Lor dpelas edo al iny ourpowe rot bless and strenghen my husband formt he Lord and all the menin my fmaily. hela them in every way. hela Vilike and help us ge tin contact wiht HIm. pelas reprovide a phonefo rhis room. please othc an dhela him neurlogically. please amy all ebliv ein he lor djues Chirs twher eHe is at.pelas hela his mother and please dleive rhis mother form all illness and giv ehe rbetter healht than she has eve rhad in her entire life. hela her and bless her strgnthen her and o al in your power ot heal and sav emy fmaily mmebrs their spouses and childrne and lal poepl. please bless my uband wiht best wisodm beast wealth strenght lov efor other but a love so storgn for me he woudl happily die for me becuas eh loves me that much and vic eversa. help me to do your will Lord and knwo my place in the bod yof Chirst. pleas eprotec tmy dad and allpopelf rom accidents collisons illness disease naturla disasters protection form all eil by the HOly Blodo of CHrist. the HOly blod of CHirs ti pleasd over al my fmaily oru property our firends and lvoes oens the churhc. pelase help us do oyur WIll toda yan dplease send trilions of hoyl angels ot help and sttrenghtne us to do OYur IWll Lord. please help us worship you in spirit and truth and no more covetoucness or vain glory for me LOrd or anyone.. pelas emay we boatst int he lord hIs lvoe goodness nercy always .Lor dpleas edo all inyour power to prolongue our lives and giv eus fresh desir eto live for oyu. i ask htis int henameof the lor djue CHirs.t please strgnthen and hela our hearts and please dleive rmy entire famiyl form teeht problems tooth decay flehs eaitng bacteri depression all mentla p physcial neurlogical disoders. giv eus OYur hOly spirit and reveal to us eahc and ever yone of us what oyur perfect WIll is in ever myoma nd force us ot do oyur Will. Lord mak em only buy what giv eoyu glory. please provide of rall my needs. and thnak yo Lord in advanc efo rlal your helaing miracles this day. pelas emak eit a great day wiht great suprises and no bad htign happen today in my lfi eor anyoens life. pelas ehal and ressurect al lorgans cells of peopel dleive rus ofrm all covid virus pleas ean dits variation as and brign jsutice ot the widosm poor and need.y pelas eprovide soad.. please provid ethe right food for lal my fmialy tha tis appropriate and actually we can use for energy and bod ybuidilign pleas ebles our food and water and we thnaky ou for all your provision heavenly Fathe rthnak you in advanc eofr my husband form you Lor.d i lvo ehim som mcuh .alsway stell my hsuabdn from you Lr ho w mcuh i adore love hima nd want o be with HIm. idotn know who tha tmay is Lord but you Know Lord an di ask you reveal to me whom you want me to marry and rveal to my husband tha ti am his wife form God almight yhIs own Rib. Please giv eus wonderful life otgther serivng oyu and may we serve you better togther than alone. May we have true wonderful companion ship devine God feairng an dlvign fully of the hOly psirit companionship and always protect oru marriae bed form whoremongers and protec tour union our posesisons porpers and future offsprig i pr you bles sus with protection agaisnt all harm. Please glorify oyurself always in each others eyes. may my husband never elav em or forsake me may he wdwell with me and find nothign unclena in me ma yhe never be btiter agaisnt me and vic eversa. dleive rus form all bitterness anger andand may wenever have hatre dor bitternes or ange ro resenment towrad one anothe ronly love pure love ofrm od for one another may we be life adama nd eve befor ethe fall Lord. may we love and cherish and norish nd lugh lots otgther and felel much love an dcomfor tin one another an may we be truyl devinely attreacted toghter that we can tlive wihtout oen another. in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus Chir ti pray.