Humble Prayer Partner
Dear jesus... If you see me.. You also see tha that could happen with me yesterday. My tayi g dadi all other members abusd me threatened me that they never ever marry me with my love Maninder. She threthend me that she file case on them by telling lie that maninder and his family threnten me. She told me that nobody accept me in long term maninder' family as well as my own family if i maeey with maninder. She told me very dirty talks in front of my brother
. Jesusa every door of hope close no hope is seen for our togetherness and narriage. Now you are the only hope for opn the ways... Pls hlp me father pls don't break our relationship pls don't far us from each other. Pls show me some hope and opn the ways for our marriage. Pls convince my fmly for marry me with maninder. Jesus i so much sad and depressed. I want to be die
. Pls listen me jesus.. Nobody cares about me i totally alone. Pls help me pls pls jesus. Amen