Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father of God I pray that you will reunite and unite me and all my little fof best friends in unity. And I pray that you will not do everything together that we would want to do all would love to do with yourself without a problem or somebody coming in to control us all the power or tell us we can hang out each other and I pray that you will give me a return and renew and restore approve of all the lost good dreams good versions of dreams that I've lost within the past 11 12 13 14 15 16 years to now that I wanted or would have wanted or still want mean I do want to come true to come true and I pray that me and my friends will get the property that I've been asking for and let it be satisfying and be everything that me and my friends want and will want including all the vehicle and I pray that you will fix approve update make walk all mine and my friends social media patient and upgrade them and get all the gay folks and all the scammers and you ever else that we don't want I wouldn't want on off Facebook so Twitter's or whatever social media places delete them erase them can shut them do whatever you can to get rid of them off of patience and help us not to get back again and upgrade our password and let us know our password and I pray that me and my friends will and be able to kiss kiss kiss each other on each others cheeks forehead neck chin and hug each other and pat and rub each other's checks forhead chin neck and back and shoulders and be able to lay down and go to cheek to cheek and snuggle up with eachother and say I love you hey bro hey cutie , hey cutie pie , you got cute face , your smell is cute , you Got cute smell , hey handsome, hey my handsome friend hi best friend hi buddy hey buddy hey best friend and all kinds of words to each other without any problems at all for anyone on outside bus I pray that we're going to have one single problem for anyone not janus my mom and family or anyone and I pray that the dreams about Janus will end and I pray that me and my friends will be the friends and the people that each other with what each other to be and love each other dearly before our hearts and love the Lord God with all our hearts and do whatever it takes to please each other but mostly please God and i pray that me and my friends were always stick up for each other and back each other up and I pray That no double ganger / people who looks like me and my friends and has the same name I pray that none of those people will come near us or around us or being the same area or city as us for any reason I pray that they will be four indigent somebody forever and never be around us no matter where we go not practicing for everyone else that I know including family and whoever else and I pray this strongly in Jesus mighty fine name and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I pray Amen