Beloved of All
Dear heavenly Father God im praying that you will reunite and unite me and my list of best friends in unity and i pray that you will give me back all my good dreams and good version of dreams that i have lost within the past 11 12 13 14 15 16 year to now that I wanted to come ture or did want to come true and still want to come true I pray that you give me back all those good dreams and good versions of dreams and I pray that you are healed and redeem me and My Land and cleanse me and I pray that you will forgive me for my sins for my mistakes and for my wrongdoings and my wrong thinking and I pray that you will fix all my and my friends social media pages and make them easy to select and to get on and that includes all of our emails Facebook / messengers pages Twitter pages Instagram pages Snapchat pages Myspace pages and all the rest of our social media pages. And I pray that you are coming to our hearts souls minds and strengths and body's and lifes forever and ever and be all one and only God king friend Lord and everything forever and ever and give us a clean spirit and I pray that you'll give us a clean mind and I pray that you will help any of my friends that don't have social media pages make all the social media pages that they want and would want to and friend add and follow each other and me on each of them and the one that have social media pages please have them add follow and friend me and each other on them and I pray that you will help me lose 50- 150 lb of weight and fat on my body and I pray that you will give us a sound mind and I pray that you will give us the property that I've been asking for and make it be everything that we could ever want or desire or dream of make it be the perfect property and place for us forever and ever and make it satisfying to us to where we were never get old with it and I pray that you will forgive my friends for their sins mistakes wrong doing and wrong thinking and I pray that you will get all scammers hackers gay folks people who think they know it all and people who looking for a serious relationship and people who looks like us and has our names and people with a bad attitude I pray that you will block all those people from our social media pages and delete them and do whatever you can do to keep them away from us and from getting on our pages or noticing us somehow and who ever else we wouldn't want and i pray lose burn and kill all the fat and weight on my body that I want to lose burn kill and i pray that you will end and get rid of the dreams and nightmares about mom and family coming back to life from the dead and dreams about linda adams and janus staff coming near me and my friends and getting in between us and controlling us and over powering us I pray for none of those dreams to happen to come true to come to pass to come to life to become real to become a reality to happen or to continue in any formal way possible I pray your delete and cancer out on all those dreams I pray for none of them to happen and I pray that you are in those dreams real soon and quickly I pray that you get rid of those dreams for good and I pray that you will make me and my friends be the friends and the people that each other would want each other to be and make us perfect for each other and I pray that we will and be able to kiss on each other's cheeks foreheads chins and neck and lay down go to cheek to cheek snuggle up with each other and hug each other and Pat and rub on each other's cheeks and forehead and call and say to each other hey cutie cutie pie or you got a cute face or your smells cute or you got a cute smell without any problems at all and without anyone controlling us or overpowering US in any form or way possible even mom or even telling us what appropriate or not appropriate let us be ever have freedom and Free Will of choice without any problems let us be free to make our own sources without anybody controlling us and overpowering us or tell us what's appropriate or not and I pray that you will answer all my prayers and all my uninsured prayers that I want and would want to come true to this day and I pray that you will help me get the 200 million to 1 billion dollars and 20,000 a week for life from publishers clearing House and all the rest of the money I've won for somewhere else I pray that you'll give me all the money that me and my friends would need and need to survive for the rest of our lives to do everything together that we will wanted you to get off and I pray for a property for us in heaven and let us live together forever even in heaven lies be together forever Us best and loving caring friends and I pray that you will healed redeem and cleanse the world and forgive the world for their sins mistakes wrong doing and wrong thinking and I pray that you will be the hunger and homeless and give them homes and things to eat and I pray that you will help me and my friends remember our Facebooks and social media passwords and everything and I pray for good sweet dreams tonight and for every night from now on and I pray that my friends have sweet dreams forever and I pray that you will let me and my friends go wherever we go and be able to do what we want to do and say and stuff to each other without anybody getting in between us or controlling us and help me and my friends to not go near the type of people ever and forever and I pray this in Jesus mighty fine name and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of the Holy Spirit I Pray Amen